Meine Güte, was für'n Blah!

37 Suchtreffer


Repeal the Gender Recognition Act, a Homophobic and Sexist Relic

@Dr_Em #Feminism #Gender @Great_Britain #Homophobia #Sex #Sexism #Transgender #Women


This clearsighted analysis by a feminist philosopher of how gender identity theory negatively impacts women and girls feels radical – and even slightly dangerous. It’s an important book that needs to be read, says Stella o’ Malley._

Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism by Kathleen Stock review

#Feminism #Gender @Kathleen_Stock #Sex #Transgender #Women


The emergence of women-only online spaces

The witches’ web

#Feminism #Free_Speech #Gender #Internet #Sex #Social_Media #Transgender #Women


Einfach eine Frau

#Feminism #Gender #Sex #Women


Butler’s main idea, first introduced in Gender Trouble in 1989 and repeated throughout her books, is that gender is a social artifice. Our ideas of what women and men are reflect nothing that exists eternally in nature. Instead they derive from customs that embed social relations of power.

This notion, of course, is nothing new. The denaturalizing of gender was present already in Plato, and it received a great boost from John Stuart Mill, who claimed in The Subjection of Women that “what is now called the nature of women is an eminently artificial thing.” Mill saw that claims about “women’s nature” derive from, and shore up, hierarchies of power: womanliness is made to be whatever would serve the cause of keeping women in subjection, or, as he put it, “enslav[ing] their minds.” With the family as with feudalism, the rhetoric of nature itself serves the cause of slavery. “The subjection of women to men being a universal custom, any departure from it quite naturally appears unnatural…. But was there ever any domination which did not appear natural to those who possessed it?”

The Professor of Parody – The hip defeatism of Judith Butler

#Feminism #Gender @Judith_Butler #Sex @USA #Women


Fanatic followers of the trans-religion violently attack feminist

When vicious entitled thugs attack, I fight back!

#Feminism #Gender @Great_Britain #Ideology #Religion #Sex #Transgender #Violence #Women


„Menschen mit Gebärmutter“ – Wie die frauenfeindliche Trans-Religion Sprache verstümmelt und Frauen unsichtbar&unsagbar machen will.

 Warum der Welttoilettentag wichtig ist: Unmöglicher Alltag

#Feminism #Gender #Ideology #Misogyny #Religion #Sex #Transgender #Women


Women – an endangered species – fighting back

WOMAN Ft. Brian May - I’m A Woman

#Biology #Cancer #Feminism #Music #Women


The Eye of the Heron: Le Guin’s Introduction to Feminism and Ode to Nonviolence

#Feminism #Literature @Ursula_K_Le_Guin


How a former LGB rights advocate morphed into a spearhead of the authoritarian trans-religion fueled by homophobia and misogyny

The Fall of Stonewall – The LGBT organization’s modern anti-feminist advocacy is rooted in their historical betrayal of women and lesbians

#Feminism #Gender #Homophobia #LGB #Misogyny @Ruth_Hunt #Sex @Stonewall #Transgender #Women


How Feminism Helped Erase Female Biology – In Debra Soh’s new book, ‘The End of Gender,’ the doctor exposes the cultural and scientific attempts to undermine biological reality.

#Biology @Debra_Soh #Feminism #Gender #Sex


‘Negging’ is when predatory men insult women to lower their self-esteem in order to manipulate them. Has this been happening on the scale of a movement?

Are Transactivists Negging Feminism and the LGB?

@Dr_Em #Feminism #Gender #Ideology #LGB #Science #Sex #Sexism #Transgender #Women


Scrutinizing the U.S. Equality Act 2019: A Feminist Examination of Definitional Changes and Sociolegal Ramifications

#Feminism #Gender #LGB #Sex #Transgender @USA #Women


How the tactics of predators and manipulators, forced teaming, gaslighting, boundary violations and ignoring ‘no’, are used in the course of pushing ‘trans rights’.

Forced Teaming, Feminism, LGB and ‘Trans Rights’

@Dr_Em #Feminism #Gender #Ideology #LGB #Science #Sex #Sexism #Transgender #Women


How religious fanaticism is used as pretext to deny civil and human rights to others.

Religious Freedom Demands That Women Be Denied Birth Control, Trump Administration Tells Supreme Court

#Feminism #Freedom #Justice #Religion @USA #Women


Dr Em explores how the founding fathers of ‘scientific’ research on transgenderism/transsexualism were motivated by sexist beliefs.

Sexist History at the Heart of the ‘Science’ on Transsexualism, Part I: Benjamin, Ihlenfeld, Money & Ehrhardt

Dr Em reveals how ‘true trans’ doesn’t exist & Robert Stoller’s work shows how the ‘science’ of transsexualism/transgenderism has always been anti-feminist.

Sexist History at the Heart of the ‘Science’ on Transsexualism, Part II: Robert Stoller, True Trans

@Dr_Em #Feminism #Gender #Ideology #Science #Sex #Sexism #Transgender #Women


Dr Em reveals how ‘true trans’ doesn’t exist & Robert Stoller’s work shows how the ‘science’ of transsexualism/transgenderism has always been anti-feminist.

Sexist History at the Heart of the ‘Science’ on Transsexualism, Part II: Robert Stoller, True Trans

@Barry_Reay @Dale_O’Leary @Dr_Em #Feminism #Gender @Harry_Benjamin #Intersex @Janice_Raymond @Lawrence_Kubie @Paul_McHugh @Philip_Sutton @Richard_Fitzgibbons @Robert_Stoller #Science #Sexism @Shelia_Jeffreys @Susan_Stryker @Thomas_Szasz


Die §§ 218 und 219 StGB gehören noch immer gestrichen.

Männliche Feministen: Verdächtig viele Helden

#§218 #§219 #Feminism #Gender @Germany @Margarete_Stokowski #PC


I. Am. Worthy.

Amanda Tapping Bonus Video

@Amanda_Tapping #Feminism #Women


Opferstudium an der Universität Wien – ein Beispiel für die Subjektivierung von Wissenschaft.

„Wir sind alle Opfer hier“

@Austria #Feminism #Identity #LGB #Science #SJW #Women


Sozial- und Menschenrechte scheinen den rechten Eliten echt Angst zu machen.

Morde an Aktivistinnen in Kolumbien nehmen zu

@Columbia #Feminism #Human_Rights @Oxfam #Violence #Women


“Contrary to popular belief about the targeting of migrants, totalitarian regimes begin with and are underscored by the control of women.”

The Rainbow Reich: Transgender Ideology and Totalitarianism

“Totalitarian regimes always target academics. A critical moment in the build up to the Holocaust and the Nazi consolidation of power was when academics were expelled for their political beliefs or Jewish heritage.”

The Rainbow Reich, Part II: Academia, No-Platforming, Silencing of Women

@Dr_Em #Feminism #Gender #Ideology #Sex #Sexism #Transgender #Women


Dr Em discusses her brain damage and the affect this has on her life.

Dr Em and Brain Damage, A Full Disclosure.

“If you are a woman think of all those situations in which you have smiled and been polite to assuage a man — I don’t have that skill anymore.”

That’s Not What I Meant: Brain Damage & Communication

#Brain @Dr_Em #Feminism #Health #Science #Women


Margarete Stokowski über Gleichberechtigung von Frauen

Bis es wehtut

#Feminism @Germany @Margarete_Stokowski #Women


@John_Oliver about the »Equal Rights Amendment«.


#Equality #Feminism #Gender #Human_Rights @USA #Women


Geschlechtervielfalt und Feminismus

Warum der Quoten-Feminismus in Wahrheit reaktionär ist

#Economy #Feminism #Women


Trans activists are carrying on like a religious sect.

In defence of Martina Navratilova

#Feminism #LGB @Martina_Navratilova


100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht

Wie Vereinsmeierinnen ein Grundrecht erkämpften

#Civil_Rights #Election #Feminism @Germany #Women


Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole

For those who’d like to read the suppressed paper:

An Evolutionary Theory for the Variability Hypothesis

#Authoritarians #Feminism #PC #SJW @USA #Women


How dogmatic academia destroys #feminism.

Title IX complaint filed against “hate men” professor

#Authoritarians #Free_Speech #LGB #PC #Science #SJW @USA #Women


‘Acceptance without exception’ is the slogan of an organisation that is anything but accepting

The limits of Stonewall’s tolerance

#Feminism #Gender #Homophobia #LGB #Misogyny @Ruth_Hunt #Sex @Stonewall #Transgender #Women


In a special episode @Jonathan_Pie interviews a feminist


#Feminism #Gender #PC #Satire #Women


Wie Unis die Zementierung von Geschlechterrollen vorantreiben …

@Fefe über den neuesten Verstoß Schwedens gegen die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter.



Die Biologisierung des Denkens (Achtung: Paywall; daher JavaScript und Cookies ausschalten.)

#Feminism #Gender #Science #SJW @Sweden #Women


Vermeintliche Sexismusdebatte: Diskussion über das umstrittene Gedicht „Avenidas“

Diskussion über umstrittenes Gedicht „Avenidas“ in Hellersdorf (Achtung: Paywall; daher JavaScript und Cookies ausschalten!)

Es ist einigermaßen erschreckend, dass an einer Einrichtung, die Menschen ausbildet, welche künftige Generationen betreuen sollen, der Geist der Bücherverbrennungen und Engstirnigkeit munter sein Unwesen treibt.

Die Männer und – vor allem – Frauen, die einst jahrzehntelang u.a. für Freiheit und Gleichberechtigung eingetreten sind, würden sich angesichts dieser modernen Denk-Zwänge wohl verwundert und enttäuscht an den Kopf fassen.

@Alice-Salomon-Hochschule @Berlin #Diversity @Eugen_Gomringer #Feminism #Gender @Germany #PC #Poem #Science #Sexism #SJW #Women


Das Bündnis aus Selbstgerechten und Unbedarften macht weiter:

So bedauerlich, dass Feminismus – einst ein Kampf für Befreiung, Diversität und Offenheit – heutzutage häufig totalitäre Züge trägt, die Menschen auf bestimmte Rollen reduziert und vermeintlich „politisch korrekte“ Denk- und Verhaltensmuster erzwingen will, ohne auch nur ansatzweise zu begreifen, wie sehr das im Widerspruch zu einem offenen und inklusiven Menschenbild steht.

@Alice-Salomon-Hochschule @Berlin #Censorship #Culture #Diversity @Eugen_Gomringer #Feminism #Free_Speech @Germany #PC #Poem #Science #SJW #Women


Über #MeToo und die Opferrolle

Mimimi too - es ist geil, ein Opfer zu sein

#Abuse #Feminism #Gender #Rape #Sex #Violence #Women


Wenn einem ein Feindbild fehlt, konstruiert man sich’s halt. – Wie eine ehemals liberale Feministin sich als engstirnige Rassistin outet …

@Fefe Blog

Silvesternacht am Dom – Kölner Polizeichef wünscht sich Böller-Verbot

@Alice_Schwarzer #Feminism @Germany #PC #Racism #Sexism

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#trojan_horse #truth #ttip #tuberculosis #tv #twitter #uncertainty #uploadfilter #vaccination #vaccines #victim #video #violence #volkstrojaner #vorratsdatenspeicherung #voting #wall #war #waronwomen #waste #water #watergate #wealth #weapons #weather #whistleblower #white_house #who #wifi #william_harvey #william_thomas_green_morton #wind #wokeness #women #wordstar #writing #www #zensur #zensur-behörden #zensur-maßnahmen #zensurheberrecht #zeppelin #zionism #§218 #§219 @aadhaar @aakashhassan @abigail_shrier @aclu @adl @adolf_eichmann @adolf_hitler @afd @afghanistan @africa @alain_de_botton @albania @alessandro_strumia @alex_jones @alexa @alexandria_ocasio-cortez @alice-salomon-hochschule @alice_schwarzer @alice_weidel @alliancelgb @allie_funk @allison_bailey @alphago @amanda_tapping @amazon @amnesty_international @andrea_voßhoff @andreas_scheuer @android @angela_davis @angela_merkel @anis_amri @anke_ehrhardt @antifa @antoni_comín @anyabike @aol @apple @ard @area @aserbaidschan @asia @assam @att @attac @attila_hildmann @augusto_pinochet @australia @austria @axel_voss @ayodhya @bahrain @balochistan @bangladesh @barack_obama @barcelona @barereality @barry_reay @basel @bavaria @bayer @bbc @beatles @beijing @belarus @berlin @bernie_sanders @betsy_reed @bettina_gaber @betty_steiner @bgh @bill_clinton @bill_gates @bill_oreilly @bitcoin @bjp @bjportraits @bka @blokada @bmw @bnd @bob_murray @bodo_ramelow @bolivia @bollywood @boris_johnson @boris_yeltsin @botswana @brasilia @brazil @brazil's @bsi @buchbinder @bulgaria @bundesfinanzhof @bundestag @bverfg @caityjohnstone @california @cambridge @cambridge_analytica @cameroon @campact @canada @canada's @cargill @carles_puigdemont @carola_rackete @catalonia @cathy_newman @ccc @cdu @charles_ihlenfeld @charles_stross @charlize_theron @chelsea_manning @chemnitz @chennai @christa_peterson @christian_lindner @christine_lambrecht @christoph_heusgen @cia @cia’s @cisco @claus_schenk_graf_von_stauffenberg @clearview @clinton_foundation @coca-cola @columbia @cornelsen @cory_doctorow @costa_rica @croatia @crypto_ag @csu @cuba @dachau @daimler @dalai_lama @dale_o'leary @dan_gillmor @daniel_suarez @darknet @darwin @david_bell @david_cameron @dbd @debra_soh @defectivebydesign @delhi @deniz_yücel @denmark @dentons @deutsche_bahn @deutsche_bank @deutsche_wohnen @dexter @dfb @dgb @dhs @die_linke @die_partei @digitalcourage @dilay_banu_büyükavci @dirgegirl @disney @docstockk @dominic_cummings @donald_trump @donna_hughes @douma @dr_em @drbiden @dreamhost @dresden @drummond_pike @duckduckgo @düsseldorf @ecosia @ecuador @eddie_izzard @edinburghuni @edward_snowden @edward_w_felten @eff @egypt @einar_wegener @ellen_page @elmar_brok @elon_musk’s @elsevier @emmanuel_macron @eritrea @erwin_schrödinger @ethiopia @eu @eugen_gomringer @europe @europeancommission @evo_morales @ezb @facebook @fairplaywomen @fbi @fcc @fdp @fefe @fff @finfisher @finland @firefox @florida @focus @fondofbeetles @forwomenscot @fox_news @frag_den_staat @france @frank-walter_steinmeier @frank_rieger @franz_josef_strauß @françois_hollande @friedrich_merz @frontex @fsf @ftp @g20 @gaby_weber @gchq @gender @george_floyd @george_orwell @george_osborn @george_soros @george_takei @george_w_bush @germaine_greer @germany @gff @ggreenwald @ghana @gids @gimp @gina_rippon @github @glastonbury @glenn_greenwald @god @google @google’s @great_britain @greece @greenpeace @greta_thunberg @groko @grüne @guardian @guinness @gurbanguly_berdimuhamedov @göttingen @günther_oettinger @haiti @halle @hamburg @hannah_arendt @hans-christian_ströbele @hans-georg_maaßen @hans-peter_uhl @harry_benjamin @harvard's @heiko_maas @helensteel12 @helsinki @her @hermann_otto_solms @hillary_clinton @hjoycegender @hohenzollern @honduras @hong_kong @hongkong @horst_seehofer @huawei @hubertus_heil @hungary @ican @iceland @idad @ietf @iglyo @ikea @immunity @imran_khan @india @intercept @internet_archive @ipcc @iran @iraq @ireland @isaac_asimov @israel @istandwithher1 @italy @iwf @jacob_appelbaum @jacob_rees-mogg @jair_bolsonaro @james_comey @james_damore @james_flynn @jan_kalbitzer @jane_philpott @janice_raymond @japan @jared_kushner @jawaharlal_nehru @jean_luc_melenchon @jeff_bezos @jeff_sessions @jennifer_pritzker @jens_spahn @jeremy_corbyn @jeremy_hunt @jesse_williams @jessica12uk @jimmy_kimmel @jitsi @jk_rowling @jo_bartosch @jody_wilson-raybould @joe_biden @joe_rogan @john_le_carré @john_money @john_oliver @john_oliver's @jon_stryker @jonathan_pie @jonathan_pie's @jordan_peterson @jordanbpeterson @joseph_fischer @juan_guaido @judith_butler @julian_assange @julian_assange’s @justin_trudeau @jutta_ditfurth @kali_linux @kamala_harris @karin_strenz @karl_marx @kaschmir @kashmir @kaspersky @katarina_barley @katharina_nocun @kathleen_stock @kathmurray1 @kazakhstan @ke_jie @keir_starmer @keira_bell @kenneth_zucker @kevin_kühnert @kickstarter @kim_jong-un @kkk @klbfax @kolkata @kristina_hänel @kurds @laura_poitras @lawrence_kubie @lawrence_lessig @lebanon @leipzig @lesbianlabour @lesleysemmens @lili_elbe @lilylilymaynard @linkedin @linus_torvalds @linux @lisa_eckhart @lithium @liverpool @london @lufthansa @lybia @mad @magnus_hirschfeld @mahatma_gandhi @malaysia @malta @margaret_hamilton @margaret_thatcher @margarete_stokowski @marine_le_pen @mark_bonham @mark_hamill @mark_weinstein @mark_zuckerberg @markmair @mars @martin_schulz @martin_sonneborn @martina_navratilova @martine_rothblatt @mathias_döpfner @matteo_salvini @mauramaxwell @max_schrems @maya_forstater @mcleaver @medium @mellibeinhorn @mention @mentionedname @mentions @mermaids @mesut_özil @mewe @mexico @michael_flynn @michel_temer @michigan @microsoft @mike_pence @mike_pompeo @minneapolis @minnesota @mirandanewsom @miroandrej @monsanto @mordor @mosaic @mozilla @muhammadali_jinnah @mumbai @munich @mutilation @mwat @myanmar @narendra_modi @nawaz_sharif @nayantara_sehgal @nestle @netflix @new-delhi @new_york @new_york_times @new_zealand @nextcloud @nga @nhs @nicaragua @nicolas_maduro @nigel_farage @nigeria @nils_melzer @noam_chomsky @norbert_röttgen @north_korea @northern_ireland @norway @nsa @nytimes @ofcom @okbiology @okuna @olaf_scholz @oliver_bierhoff @onelook @opcw @openai @openbook @oriol_junqueras @osaka @oskar_lafontaine @oslo @oxfam @oxford @pakistan @palestine @panama @pankhurstem @paris @parler @passie_kracht @patricia_trimble @patrick_breyer @paul_mchugh @paul_ziemiak @pen @penny_pritzker @pentagon @pepsi @peter_altmaier @peter_handke @peter_ramsauer @peter_schaar @philip_sutton @philipp_amthor @philippines @pimeyes @piraten @pokémon @poland @pope_francis @portland @portugal @posteo @postillon @pr_china @privacyint @profalices @public_domain @puerto_rico @qanon @rachel_levine @raf @rainer_meyer @rainer_wendt @rana_ayyub @ranaayyub @rashmee_kumar @raspberry_pi @ray_blanchard @reality_winner @recep_tayyip_erdoğan @reconquista_internet @reinhard_grindel @renate_künast @rex_tillerson @rezo @rheinmetall @ric_weiland @richard_fitzgibbons @richard_grenell @richard_nixon @ricky_gervais @riot @rob_hoogland @robert-koch-institut @robert_muller @robert_stoller @rodrigo_duterte @romania’s @rose_of_dawn @rote_hilfe @rss @rudolf_henke @rupert_murdoch @russia @ruth_hunt @rüdiger_kruse @saddam_hussein @safoora_zargar @samsung @san_francisco @sappfo @saskia_esken @saudi_arabia @scandinavia @sci-hub @scotland @sean_spicer @sebastian_brehm @sebastian_kurz @seerutkchawla @segmtweets @serbia @shelia_jeffreys @sibiria @sibylle_berg @siemens @sigmar_gabriel @signal @silvio_berlusconi @sina @singapore @siri @sjferguson3 @smh @somalia @sonia_kennebeck @south_africa @south_korea @south_sudan @spain @spd @spezialdemokratie @spiegel @srf @startpage @stellaomalley3 @stern @steve_bannon @steven_pinker @stonewall @strato @sun @sundar_pichai @susan_stryker @suzanne_moore @sweden @swipewright @switzerland @symantec @syria @taiga @taiwan @tajikistan @taliban @tamil_nadu @tampax @tavistock @taz @teamviewer @teatea1337 @telegram @terry_pratchett @thailand @the_economist @the_guardian’s @the_intercept @theresa_may @thierry_breton @thomas_de_maizière @thomas_de_maiziére @thomas_szasz @thomson_reuters_foundation @threema @tiananmen @tibby17 @tibet @tiktok @tim_berners-lee @tim_cook @tim_gill @tinder @tonto_1964 @tony_blair @tor @toronto @transgendertrd @turkey @turkmenistan @twisterfilm @twitter @tönnies @uber @ulla_schmidt @uluru @un @united_internet @uno @ursula_k_le_guin @ursula_von_der_leyen @usa @valentinamedici @vanessa_rodel @varavara_rao @venezuela @venezuela’s @verfassungsschutz @verizon @vietnam @viktor_orban @vladimir_putin @volker_kauder @volkswagen @w3c @wallonia @washington_post @washingtonpost @wau_holland @wdr @welt @whatsapp @who @wikileaks @wikileaks' @wikipedia @william_golding @windows @wire @wirecard @wolf @wolfgang_kubicki @wolfgang_schulz @wolfgang_schäuble @womans_place_uk @womenreadwomen @wpath @wwf @xi_jin_ping @xiaomi @xr @xychelsea @xychelsea's @yanis_varoufakis @yaniv @yemen @yonatanzunger @youtube @yugoslavia @zdf @zoom @zürich @évian