Meine Güte, was für'n Blah!

42 Suchtreffer


Zur Berichterstattung über Indien

Indien: 250 Millionen Streikende?

#Corruption #Economy #Hindu @India #Media #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Pollution #Protest #Women


The destruction of secular India under Modi’s Hindu-nationalistic regime

The hateful love ‘jihad’ conspiracy in India is going mainstream

#Conspiracy #Hindu @India #Islamophobia #Muslim @Narendra_Modi


In a country where love was meant to be a celebration, Narendra Modi has criminalised interfaith love because it is a regime that has survived and sustained on hate.

The hateful love ‘jihad’ conspiracy in India is going mainstream

#Conspiracy #Hate #Hindu @India #Love #Muslim @Narendra_Modi


Live with a person of your own choice

Right to live with a person of choice, irrespective of religion, is intrinsic to right to life and personal liberty: Allahabad High Court

#Hindu @India #Marriage #Muslim #Religion


It’s dangerous to be a female journalist in Modi’s India

Delhi Police To Close Case On Violent Abuse And Threats Against Rana Ayyub – Rana Ayyub, in a 2018 complaint to the Delhi Police, said that her face had been morphed in a pornographic video, and she was being targeted with rape and death threats on social media.

#Abuse @Delhi #Hindu @India #Journalism #Media #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Pornography @Rana_Ayyub #Rape #Social_Media #Violence #Women


Der Abriss des säkularen Indien geht weiter

Religionskonflikt in Indien: Hindu-Hardliner trumpfen auf – In Ayodhya findet die Grundsteinlegung für einen Hindutempel statt. Am Jahrestag des Autonomieverlusts von Kaschmirs Muslimen.

@Ayodhya #Hindu @India @Kaschmir @Narendra_Modi #Religion #Secularism


The Modi regime is eager to destroy secularism in India

India marks another day of erasure and insult against its Muslim citizens

@Ayodhya #Hindu @India @Kaschmir @Narendra_Modi #Religion #Secularism


Delhi violence: Professor Apoorvanand questioned, phone seized for investigation

#CAA @Delhi #Hindu @India #Police #Violence


Hindu violence in Modi’s India

Hate Speech – A Hindu rioter speaks: Delhi violence was “revenge” against Muslims, police gave free reign

#Hate #Hindu @India #Muslim #Police #Riots #Violence


79-jähriger Dichter in Indien: Mit Corona in Haft

#Corona #Hindu @India #Islamophobia #Nationalism #Poem @Varavara_Rao


Wie das hindu-nationalistische Modi-Regime allmählich die säkulare Demokratie abschafft

Das Ende der Protestkultur in Indien – hat das säkulare Indien noch eine Chance?

@BJP #CAA #Democracy #Hindu @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Protest @RSS #Secularism #Violence


Über die Politik des hindu-nationalistischen Modi-Regimes in Corona-Zeiten

Indien: Herdenimmunität in Delhi in Sicht

#Corona #Hindu #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism


Discrimination, sexism, Islamophobia, and misrepresentation in Indian movies

The unseen Muslim women of Hindi cinema

#Discrimination #Hindu @India #Islamophobia #Movies #Muslim #Sexism #Women


Planned and targeted riots in Modi’s India

Delhi riots were planned and targeted, there was deliberate inaction by police: Report

@Delhi #Hindu @India #Islamophobia #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Riots #Violence


Violent Islamophobia in Modi’s India

Communalism: ‘Tear Them Apart’: How Hindutva WhatsApp Group Demanded Murder, Rape of Muslims in Delhi Riot

#Hindu @India #Islamophobia #Murder #Muslim #Narendra_Modi #Rape #Violence @WhatsApp


Victim blaming as police strategy in Delhi

In Delhi violence investigation, a disturbing pattern: Victims end up being prosecuted by police

@Delhi #Hindu @India #Islamophobia #Muslim #Nationalism #Police #Riots #Violence


Über Indien unter Modis hindu-nationalistischem Regime in Zeiten von Corona

Indien: Der Anfang vom Ende

@BJP #Censorship #Corona #Hindu @India #Journalism @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Repression @RSS


About the working conditions of journalists under the Hindu-nationalistic Modi regime in India.

RSFTalks with @Rana_Ayyub

#Censorship #Corruption #Hindu @India #Journalism @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism


Wie Modi’s Hindu-nationalistisches Regime versucht, die Presse zu instrumentalisieren

Hindu-Nationalisten versuchen auch die Deutsche Welle zu instrumentalisieren

@BJP #Censorship @Chennai #Corona @India #Health #Journalism #Hindu #Nationalism #Pharma


About the becoming of an investigative journalist and a fascist party in India

Narendra Modi’s way to power partly mirrors the way of Adolf Hitler, with Hitler’s Antisemitism replaced my Modi’s Islamophobia. Reading this essay one can discover quite a few parallels between the German Nazi movement and India’s R.S.S/B.J.P.: spreading hate and violence, killing opponents, unify the press reporting, widespread corruption and political justice etc.

Blood and Soil in Narendra Modi’s India

@BJP #Hindu @India #Islamophobia @Kashmir #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism @Rana_Ayyub @RSS


Corona is being used to spread Islamophobia

Hospital in Ahmedabad splits COVID wards on faith, says govt decision

#Corona #Hindu @India #Islamophobia #Muslim


Gewalt und Hetze: Indien unter Modis Hindu-nationalistischem Regime

Indiens Regierung und der Kampf von reich gegen arm

@BJP #Corona #Death #Health #Hindu @India @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Violence


It Was Already Dangerous To Be Muslim in India. Then Came the Coronavirus

@BJP #Corona #Health #Hindu #Islamophobia @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Violence


Indian official denies muslim equality


#Equality #Hate #Hindu #Human_Rights @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Riots


Wer darf Inder sein in Assam?

@Assam @BJP #CAA #Hindu @India #Migration #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Racism #Religion @RSS


Delhi violence leaves over 50 dead


@Delhi #Hindu @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Violence


Allegations mount that police in Indian capital incited and aided recent mob violence and failed to help Muslim victims

Delhi’s Muslims despair of justice after police implicated in riots

@BJP @Delhi #Hindu @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Violence


The Indian govt & Hindu American Foundation have launched an unprecedented lobbying campaign to hide Modi’s atrocities in India & Kashmir. They’ve used fake news, intimidation & backdoor meetings to deter Congress from criticizing India.

India Lobbies to Stifle Criticism, Control Messaging in U.S. Congress Amid Rising Anti-Muslim Violence

@BJP #CAA #Hindu @India @Kashmir #Lobbyism #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism @USA


Fourteen Delhi mosques and a dargah that were burnt by Hindutva vigilantes/radicals in three days

@India #Hindu @Narendra_Modi #Muslim #Nationalism #Racism #Religion #Riots @RSS #Violence


India’s authoritarian and nationalistic Modi regime is killing democracy and economy.

How Modi won India’s elections but paralyzed the economy

#Authoritarians #Banks @BJP #Economy #Hindu #Identity @India @Kashmir #Money #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Women


A surprising act of solidarity: Pakistani Hindus protest the progrom targeting Muslims in Delhi.

Pakistani Hindus march, cancel major Holi celebrations to protest Delhi riots

#Hindu @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism @Pakistan #Religion #Riots


Gewalt in Indien: Gegen alle Staatsräson

@BJP #CAA #Civil_Rights #Hate #Hindu @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Religion @RSS


How nationalistic Hindus looted and killed in Delhi last week.

Delhi riots: How Muslims’ homes were targeted and burnt

@Delhi #Hate #Hindu @India #Muslim #Nationalism #Religion #Riots #Violence


In India, Donald Trump heaped praise on the nation’s leader, Narendra Modi, and ignored a spasm of violence against Muslims unfolding on the streets.

Trump Praises Modi’s India, as Muslims Are Beaten on the Streets and a Mosque Is Defiled

#CAA @Donald_Trump #Hindu @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Protest #Racism #Religion #Supremacy #Violence


Proteste in Indien: „Ein Wunder, dass ich noch lebe“

@BJP #CAA #Hindu @India #Muslim #Nationalism @Narendra_Modi #Racism #Religion #Riots #Violence


Narendra Modis Indien während Trumps Besuch: Gewalt und Rassismus.

Proteste gegen Einbürgerungsgesetz: Gewalt überschattet Trump-Besuch

Trump-Besuch in Indien: Im Schatten des Hasses

@BJP #CAA @Delhi @Donald_Trump #Hindu @India #Muslim #Nationalism @Narendra_Modi #Protest #Racism #Religion #Riots #Violence


Due to changes to India’s citizenship law, Muslims excluded from a national registry, which has already been implemented in Assam, cannot become citizens. India’s Citizenship Law, in Tandem With National Registry, Could Make BJP’s Discriminatory Targeting of Muslims Easier

#CAA #Discrimination #Hindu @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Protest #Racism #Religion


‘Go back Modi’: @India protesters condemn PM’s visit to @Kolkata

#Hindu #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Protest #Religion #Nationalism


Zeit, sich zu wehren …

Massendemos in Indien – „Jetzt ist die Zeit gekommen, sich zu wehren“

#Hindu @India #Internet #Mobile_Phone #Muslim #Nationalism #Police #Protest #Religion #Secularism


Wenn Nationalismus und Rassismus sich paaren

Proteste gegen Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz – Polizei nimmt Tausende Demonstranten fest

#CAA @Delhi #Hindu @India #Muslim #Nationalism #Police #Protest #Religion #Secularism



Achtjährige vergewaltigt und ermordet - sechs Männer verurteilt

#Hindu @India #Muslim #Police #Rape #Violence #Women


“Modern science is unscientific because it considers things it does not comprehend as not possible. The Vedic or rather ancient Indian definition of an aeroplane was a vehicle which travels through the air from one country to another country, from one continent to another continent, from one planet to another planet. In those days aeroplanes were huge in size, and could move left, right, as well as backwards, unlike modern planes which only fly forward,” Boda, an accomplished pilot, said.

New Book Reveals 7,000 Years Ago #Hindu Indians Theorized About Airplane and Interplanetary Travel

@India #Technology

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#deepfake #defamation #democracy #detransition #devops #diasporastudies #dictionary #digitisation #dioscorides #discrimination #diseases #diversity #diy #dmca #docker #drm #drones #drugs #dsgvo #döner #ebooks #eccentricity #echo_chamber #ecology #ecommerce #economy #education #edward_jenner #egypt #eikonal #election #email #eme #emotions #encryption #energy #equality #erasistratus #espionage #ethics #evolution #experimentation #extremism #facial_recognition #fake_news #fascism #fbgc #fbpe #femicide #feminism #file_sharing #filibuster #filterbubble #fingerprints #fire #fisa #fish #food #football #footnotes #forest #fracking #fraud #free_speech #free_tibet #freedom #freedomofexpression #fridays-for-future #future #galen #galileo_galilei #gambling #gay #gdpr #gender #genderwoowoo #genetics #genitalia #genocide #germany #getstonewalloutofourinstitutions #git #github #glyphosat #gnu #go #golang #gratitude #greece #greed #grundeinkommen #grundgesetz #gutachten #hacker #hacking #harassment #hashtag #hashtags #hate #headphone #health #healthcare #herophilus #hindi #hindu #hippocrates #history #holocaust #homophobia #homosexuality #honour #human_genome_project #human_rights #hygiene #ice #identity #ideology #illness #imhotep #immunity #impeachment #imperialism #imsi-catcher #inclusiveness #independence #india #indien #industrialisation #industry #infection #influenza #infowar #infrastructure #intelligence #interdependence #internet #intersex #iot #iran #isaac_newton #islamophobia #isp #israelipalestinianconflict #istandwithjkrowling #istandwithkeirabell #istandwithmaya #italia #italy #james_young_simpson #javascript #jealousy #jewishethics #jewishhistory #jewishidentity #jewishscholars #jews #johannes_kepler #jornalism #joseph_lister #journalism #justice #keepiton #knowledge #kohleausstieg #labour #language #lgb #lgballiance #liability #liberty #library #licence #lifegetsbetter #linguistics #literature #lobbyism #love #maaslos #marijuana #markdown #marketplaces #marriage #masturbation #meat #media #medicaid #medicine #men #mental-health #metadata #metaphysics #metoo #mietpreisbremse #migration #military #minderheitsregierung #mindset #mining #misogyny #missiles #mobbing #mobile_phone #money #motivation #movies #murder #music #muslim #mussels #mutilation #nacktimnetz #narendra_modi #nationalism #nazis #net_neutrality #netherlands #netzdg #neurodiversity #new_zealand #newspapers #niewiedercdu #nlp #nobel_prize #nuclear_weapons #nürnberg #obamacare #observation #obsession #occupation #oil #open_source #openai #oppression #organspende #paedophiles #pandemic #paris_agreement #parliament #parteispenden #password #patent #paternalism #pc #peace #pension #perception #perplexity #personaldevelopment #pharma #philosophy #phishing #phone #physics #physiology #pigs #piracy #poem #police #politicalphilosophy #pollution #populism #pornography #poverty #prison #privacy #privacy_shield #privatisation #programmers #programming #prompt #prompts #propaganda #prostitution #protest #psychiatry #psychology #puberty_blocker #putsch #quicksilver #racism #rain #rain-forest #rape #readme #reality #recycling #refugees #regime_change #relationships #religion #religiousdebate #renaissance #rent #reportit #repression #research #rigaer94 #righttoknow #riots #robot #roma #rome #router #safety #sanctions #sand #satire #saveourinternet #scandals #schufa #science #scifi #sea_weed #secrecy #secularism #security #selbstbestimmungsgesetz #selfid #selfimprovement #sex #sexism #sexuality #sjw #smartphone #smoke #snowflakes #social-media #social_media #software #solar_panel #solidarity #soy #space #spam #sports #staatstrojaner #sterilisation #stgb #stophateforprofit #streisand-effekt #strike #subsidies #sugar #suicide #supremacy #surgery #surveiilance #surveillance #tagname #tanks #tax #technology #telegram #tents #terror #terrorism #thisisnotadrill #tobacco #tolerance #tomato #torture #tq #tracing #tracking #trade #traffic #transgender #transparency #transsexual #trees #trojan_horse #truth #ttip #tuberculosis #tv #twitter #uncertainty #uploadfilter #vaccination #vaccines #victim #video #violence #volkstrojaner #vorratsdatenspeicherung #voting #wall #war #waronwomen #waste #water #watergate #wealth #weapons #weather #whistleblower #white_house #who #wifi #william_harvey #william_thomas_green_morton #wind #wokeness #women #wordstar #writing #www #zensur #zensur-behörden #zensur-maßnahmen #zensurheberrecht #zeppelin #zionism #§218 #§219 @aadhaar @aakashhassan @abigail_shrier @aclu @adl @adolf_eichmann @adolf_hitler @afd @afghanistan @africa @alain_de_botton @albania @alessandro_strumia @alex_jones @alexa @alexandria_ocasio-cortez @alice-salomon-hochschule @alice_schwarzer @alice_weidel @alliancelgb @allie_funk @allison_bailey @alphago @amanda_tapping @amazon @amnesty_international @andrea_voßhoff @andreas_scheuer @android @angela_davis @angela_merkel @anis_amri @anke_ehrhardt @antifa @antoni_comín @anyabike @aol @apple @ard @area @aserbaidschan @asia @assam @att @attac @attila_hildmann @augusto_pinochet @australia @austria @axel_voss @ayodhya @bahrain @balochistan @bangladesh @barack_obama @barcelona @barereality @barry_reay @basel @bavaria @bayer @bbc @beatles @beijing @belarus @berlin @bernie_sanders @betsy_reed @bettina_gaber @betty_steiner @bgh @bill_clinton @bill_gates @bill_oreilly @bitcoin @bjp @bjportraits @bka @blokada @bmw @bnd @bob_murray @bodo_ramelow @bolivia @bollywood @boris_johnson @boris_yeltsin @botswana @brasilia @brazil @brazil's @bsi @buchbinder @bulgaria @bundesfinanzhof @bundestag @bverfg @caityjohnstone @california @cambridge @cambridge_analytica @cameroon @campact @canada @canada's @cargill @carles_puigdemont @carola_rackete @catalonia @cathy_newman @ccc @cdu @charles_ihlenfeld @charles_stross @charlize_theron @chelsea_manning @chemnitz @chennai @christa_peterson @christian_lindner @christine_lambrecht @christoph_heusgen @cia @cia’s @cisco @claus_schenk_graf_von_stauffenberg @clearview @clinton_foundation @coca-cola @columbia @cornelsen @cory_doctorow @costa_rica @croatia @crypto_ag @csu @cuba @dachau @daimler @dalai_lama @dale_o'leary @dan_gillmor @daniel_suarez @darknet @darwin @david_bell @david_cameron @dbd @debra_soh @defectivebydesign @delhi @deniz_yücel @denmark @dentons @deutsche_bahn @deutsche_bank @deutsche_wohnen @dexter @dfb @dgb @dhs @die_linke @die_partei @digitalcourage @dilay_banu_büyükavci @dirgegirl @disney @docstockk @dominic_cummings @donald_trump @donna_hughes @douma @dr_em @drbiden @dreamhost @dresden @drummond_pike @duckduckgo @düsseldorf @ecosia @ecuador @eddie_izzard @edinburghuni @edward_snowden @edward_w_felten @eff @egypt @einar_wegener @ellen_page @elmar_brok @elon_musk’s @elsevier @emmanuel_macron @eritrea @erwin_schrödinger @ethiopia @eu @eugen_gomringer @europe @europeancommission @evo_morales @ezb @facebook @fairplaywomen @fbi @fcc @fdp @fefe @fff @finfisher @finland @firefox @florida @focus @fondofbeetles @forwomenscot @fox_news @frag_den_staat @france @frank-walter_steinmeier @frank_rieger @franz_josef_strauß @françois_hollande @friedrich_merz @frontex @fsf @ftp @g20 @gaby_weber @gchq @gender @george_floyd @george_orwell @george_osborn @george_soros @george_takei @george_w_bush @germaine_greer @germany @gff @ggreenwald @ghana @gids @gimp @gina_rippon @github @glastonbury @glenn_greenwald @god @google @google’s @great_britain @greece @greenpeace @greta_thunberg @groko @grüne @guardian @guinness @gurbanguly_berdimuhamedov @göttingen @günther_oettinger @haiti @halle @hamburg @hannah_arendt @hans-christian_ströbele @hans-georg_maaßen @hans-peter_uhl @harry_benjamin @harvard's @heiko_maas @helensteel12 @helsinki @her @hermann_otto_solms @hillary_clinton @hjoycegender @hohenzollern @honduras @hong_kong @hongkong @horst_seehofer @huawei @hubertus_heil @hungary @ican @iceland @idad @ietf @iglyo @ikea @immunity @imran_khan @india @intercept @internet_archive @ipcc @iran @iraq @ireland @isaac_asimov @israel @istandwithher1 @italy @iwf @jacob_appelbaum @jacob_rees-mogg @jair_bolsonaro @james_comey @james_damore @james_flynn @jan_kalbitzer @jane_philpott @janice_raymond @japan @jared_kushner @jawaharlal_nehru @jean_luc_melenchon @jeff_bezos @jeff_sessions @jennifer_pritzker @jens_spahn @jeremy_corbyn @jeremy_hunt @jesse_williams @jessica12uk @jimmy_kimmel @jitsi @jk_rowling @jo_bartosch @jody_wilson-raybould @joe_biden @joe_rogan @john_le_carré @john_money @john_oliver @john_oliver's @jon_stryker @jonathan_pie @jonathan_pie's @jordan_peterson @jordanbpeterson @joseph_fischer @juan_guaido @judith_butler @julian_assange @julian_assange’s @justin_trudeau @jutta_ditfurth @kali_linux @kamala_harris @karin_strenz @karl_marx @kaschmir @kashmir @kaspersky @katarina_barley @katharina_nocun @kathleen_stock @kathmurray1 @kazakhstan @ke_jie @keir_starmer @keira_bell @kenneth_zucker @kevin_kühnert @kickstarter @kim_jong-un @kkk @klbfax @kolkata @kristina_hänel @kurds @laura_poitras @lawrence_kubie @lawrence_lessig @lebanon @leipzig @lesbianlabour @lesleysemmens @lili_elbe @lilylilymaynard @linkedin @linus_torvalds @linux @lisa_eckhart @lithium @liverpool @london @lufthansa @lybia @mad @magnus_hirschfeld @mahatma_gandhi @malaysia @malta @margaret_hamilton @margaret_thatcher @margarete_stokowski @marine_le_pen @mark_bonham @mark_hamill @mark_weinstein @mark_zuckerberg @markmair @mars @martin_schulz @martin_sonneborn @martina_navratilova @martine_rothblatt @mathias_döpfner @matteo_salvini @mauramaxwell @max_schrems @maya_forstater @mcleaver @medium @mellibeinhorn @mention @mentionedname @mentions @mermaids @mesut_özil @mewe @mexico @michael_flynn @michel_temer @michigan @microsoft @mike_pence @mike_pompeo @minneapolis @minnesota @mirandanewsom @miroandrej @monsanto @mordor @mosaic @mozilla @muhammadali_jinnah @mumbai @munich @mutilation @mwat @myanmar @narendra_modi @nawaz_sharif @nayantara_sehgal @nestle @netflix @new-delhi @new_york @new_york_times @new_zealand @nextcloud @nga @nhs @nicaragua @nicolas_maduro @nigel_farage @nigeria @nils_melzer @noam_chomsky @norbert_röttgen @north_korea @northern_ireland @norway @nsa @nytimes @ofcom @okbiology @okuna @olaf_scholz @oliver_bierhoff @onelook @opcw @openai @openbook @oriol_junqueras @osaka @oskar_lafontaine @oslo @oxfam @oxford @pakistan @palestine @panama @pankhurstem @paris @parler @passie_kracht @patricia_trimble @patrick_breyer @paul_mchugh @paul_ziemiak @pen @penny_pritzker @pentagon @pepsi @peter_altmaier @peter_handke @peter_ramsauer @peter_schaar @philip_sutton @philipp_amthor @philippines @pimeyes @piraten @pokémon @poland @pope_francis @portland @portugal @posteo @postillon @pr_china @privacyint @profalices @public_domain @puerto_rico @qanon @rachel_levine @raf @rainer_meyer @rainer_wendt @rana_ayyub @ranaayyub @rashmee_kumar @raspberry_pi @ray_blanchard @reality_winner @recep_tayyip_erdoğan @reconquista_internet @reinhard_grindel @renate_künast @rex_tillerson @rezo @rheinmetall @ric_weiland @richard_fitzgibbons @richard_grenell @richard_nixon @ricky_gervais @riot @rob_hoogland @robert-koch-institut @robert_muller @robert_stoller @rodrigo_duterte @romania’s @rose_of_dawn @rote_hilfe @rss @rudolf_henke @rupert_murdoch @russia @ruth_hunt @rüdiger_kruse @saddam_hussein @safoora_zargar @samsung @san_francisco @sappfo @saskia_esken @saudi_arabia @scandinavia @sci-hub @scotland @sean_spicer @sebastian_brehm @sebastian_kurz @seerutkchawla @segmtweets @serbia @shelia_jeffreys @sibiria @sibylle_berg @siemens @sigmar_gabriel @signal @silvio_berlusconi @sina @singapore @siri @sjferguson3 @smh @somalia @sonia_kennebeck @south_africa @south_korea @south_sudan @spain @spd @spezialdemokratie @spiegel @srf @startpage @stellaomalley3 @stern @steve_bannon @steven_pinker @stonewall @strato @sun @sundar_pichai @susan_stryker @suzanne_moore @sweden @swipewright @switzerland @symantec @syria @taiga @taiwan @tajikistan @taliban @tamil_nadu @tampax @tavistock @taz @teamviewer @teatea1337 @telegram @terry_pratchett @thailand @the_economist @the_guardian’s @the_intercept @theresa_may @thierry_breton @thomas_de_maizière @thomas_de_maiziére @thomas_szasz @thomson_reuters_foundation @threema @tiananmen @tibby17 @tibet @tiktok @tim_berners-lee @tim_cook @tim_gill @tinder @tonto_1964 @tony_blair @tor @toronto @transgendertrd @turkey @turkmenistan @twisterfilm @twitter @tönnies @uber @ulla_schmidt @uluru @un @united_internet @uno @ursula_k_le_guin @ursula_von_der_leyen @usa @valentinamedici @vanessa_rodel @varavara_rao @venezuela @venezuela’s @verfassungsschutz @verizon @vietnam @viktor_orban @vladimir_putin @volker_kauder @volkswagen @w3c @wallonia @washington_post @washingtonpost @wau_holland @wdr @welt @whatsapp @who @wikileaks @wikileaks' @wikipedia @william_golding @windows @wire @wirecard @wolf @wolfgang_kubicki @wolfgang_schulz @wolfgang_schäuble @womans_place_uk @womenreadwomen @wpath @wwf @xi_jin_ping @xiaomi @xr @xychelsea @xychelsea's @yanis_varoufakis @yaniv @yemen @yonatanzunger @youtube @yugoslavia @zdf @zoom @zürich @évian