Meine Güte, was für'n Blah!

71 Suchtreffer


A review of When Men Behave Badly: The Hidden Roots of Sexual Deception, Harassment, and Assault by David M. Buss

When Men Behave Badly—A Review

#Men #Sexuality #Violence #Women


_There is little information about the women killed by men. Our census is building up a picture that can help save others

It’s time to stop ignoring the real extent of femicide in the UK

#Femicide @Great_Britain #Violence #Women


Female child sex abuse ‘remains taboo’ while victims struggle

#Children #Gender @Great_Britain #Sex #Transgender #Violence #Women


Become a “woman” to avoid jail time

Male criminals get a new card to play – Sex offenders are suddenly discovering their ‘true gender’ and receiving lighter sentences

#Gender #Health #Sex #Transgender @USA #Violence


Finding Purpose

#Abuse #Gender #Prison #Rape #Sex #Transgender #Violence


Transgender women exhibit a male-type pattern of criminality: Implications for legislators and policy makers.

#Biology #Crime #Gender @Great_Britain #Sex #Transgender #Violence


This analysis of official MOJ statistics provides good evidence that transwomen in prison exhibit a male pattern of criminality and do not exhibit a female pattern of criminality. Crime patterns correlate with birth sex and not gender identity. This supports the idea that, when a women-only space is needed to protect against the physical and psychological impact of sex crimes, access should be based on birth sex and not gender identity.

Transgender women exhibit a male-type pattern of criminality: Implications for legislators and policy makers.

#Crime @Great_Britain #Sex #Transgender #Violence #Women


SelbstBestG I: Männer im Frauengefängnis

#Biology #Crime #Gender @Germany #Misogyny #Sex #Transgender #Violence


Fanatic followers of the trans-religion violently attack feminist

When vicious entitled thugs attack, I fight back!

#Feminism #Gender @Great_Britain #Ideology #Religion #Sex #Transgender #Violence #Women


The violent nature of the authoritarian trans-religion

Documenting the abuse, harassment and misogyny of transgender identity politics

#Abuse #Conspiracy #Gender #Misogyny #Sex #Transgender #Violence #Women


The trans-religion works hard to undermine sex-bases rights

Valentina Medici

#Gender #Sex #Transgender #Violence


The battle over gender has turned bloody

#Gender @Great_Britain #Sex #Transgender #Violence #Women


Wie der Staat seine Nazis kultiviert

Ich mache das für die Aussteiger, die die Einsicht gewonnen haben, Totalitarismus zu verwerfen.

@Germany #Hate #Nazis #Violence


It’s dangerous to be a female journalist in Modi’s India

Delhi Police To Close Case On Violent Abuse And Threats Against Rana Ayyub – Rana Ayyub, in a 2018 complaint to the Delhi Police, said that her face had been morphed in a pornographic video, and she was being targeted with rape and death threats on social media.

#Abuse @Delhi #Hindu @India #Journalism #Media #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Pornography @Rana_Ayyub #Rape #Social_Media #Violence #Women


Gewalt in Trumps Polizeistaat

Bericht zu Black-Lives-Matter-Protesten: Amnesty wirft US-Polizei schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen vor – Nach George Floyds gewaltsamem Tod gab es in den USA landesweit Proteste gegen Rassismus und Polizeigewalt. Dabei kam es laut Amnesty International zu zahlreichen Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch Sicherheitskräfte.

@Amnesty_International #BlackLivesMatter #Civil_Rights @Donald_Trump @George_Floyd #Human_Rights #Police #Racism #Violence


Delhi violence: Professor Apoorvanand questioned, phone seized for investigation

#CAA @Delhi #Hindu @India #Police #Violence


Hindu violence in Modi’s India

Hate Speech – A Hindu rioter speaks: Delhi violence was “revenge” against Muslims, police gave free reign

#Hate #Hindu @India #Muslim #Police #Riots #Violence


What others (including so-called “Democrats”) started – the militarisation of police forces – comes to fruition now with Trump.

Before Portland, Trump’s Shock Troops Went After Border Activists

#Authoritarians #Democracy @Donald_Trump #Police #Repression #Riots @USA #Violence


Wie das hindu-nationalistische Modi-Regime allmählich die säkulare Demokratie abschafft

Das Ende der Protestkultur in Indien – hat das säkulare Indien noch eine Chance?

@BJP #CAA #Democracy #Hindu @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Protest @RSS #Secularism #Violence


Planned and targeted riots in Modi’s India

Delhi riots were planned and targeted, there was deliberate inaction by police: Report

@Delhi #Hindu @India #Islamophobia #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Riots #Violence


Tidbits about the perverted justice in Modi’s India

How The UAPA Is Perverting The Idea Of Justice

#Corruption @India #Justice #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Police #Violence


Ein weiterer von vielen getöteten Schwarzen

US-Jugendeinrichtung in Michigan: 16-Jähriger Schwarzer stirbt nach Fixierung

#BlackLivesMatter #Death @Michigan #Racism @USA #Violence


More footage of the murder of a black person by white police.

New Transcripts Detail Last Moments for George Floyd

@George_Floyd #Police #Racism @USA #Violence


Als ich vor über vierzig Jahren den Kriegsdienst verweigerte, musste ich wegen meiner politischen Begründung durch mehrere Instanzen gehen bis zu meiner „Anerkennung“. Eine wenig erheiternde Erfahrung. Eine Spezialdemokratin nun für die Verstärkung des deutschen Militarismus’ eintreten zu sehen, ist ebenso wenig angenehm.

Wehrpflicht gegen rechts?

@Germany #Military #Violence #War


Violent Islamophobia in Modi’s India

Communalism: ‘Tear Them Apart’: How Hindutva WhatsApp Group Demanded Murder, Rape of Muslims in Delhi Riot

#Hindu @India #Islamophobia #Murder #Muslim #Narendra_Modi #Rape #Violence @WhatsApp


“Transgenderism, for teenage girls, is the wrong answer to a woman-and-girl-hating culture. It is a kick back at this self-objectification and sale of one’s self.”

‘Trans’ is the Wrong Answer to a Real Problem. What about the girls?

#Children @Dr_Em #Abuse #Gender #Rape #Sex #Transgender #Violence


@John_Oliver about the Police

Last Week Tonight

#Police @USA #Violence


Nice …

Majority of Minneapolis city council vows to disband police department

@Minneapolis #Police #Violence @USA


Canada’s Prime Minister about the US President

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s 21 seconds of silence …

@Canada @Donald_Trump #Racism @USA #Violence


How (white) police killed a (black) man

8 Minutes and 46 Seconds: How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody

#Abuse #Police #Racism @USA #Violence


About Trump’s unhinged “solidarity”

US should stand with Minnesota violent protesters as it did with HK rioters

@Donald_Trump @Hong_Kong @Mike_Pompeo #Police @PR_China #Violence


The world’s 10 most dangerous countries for women

#Abuse @Afghanistan @India @Nigeria @Pakistan @Saudi_Arabia @Somalia @Syria @USA @Yemen #Violence #Women


Gewalt gegen Frauen in Indien: „Mein Mann schnitt mir die Nase ab“

#Abuse @India #Violence #Women


Victim blaming as police strategy in Delhi

In Delhi violence investigation, a disturbing pattern: Victims end up being prosecuted by police

@Delhi #Hindu @India #Islamophobia #Muslim #Nationalism #Police #Riots #Violence


Islamophobic police brutality in India

Communalism: Madhya Pradesh Police Apologise for Beating Lawyer, ‘We Thought You Were Muslim,’ They Say

@India #Islamophobia #Police #Violence


One of the bad sides of current India

‘You deserved acid attack, he should’ve thrown more of it’: Abusive tweeps wish another attack on Kangana Ranaut’s acid attack survivor sister

#Abuse #Discrimination #Hate @India @Twitter #Violence #Women


Gewalt und Hetze: Indien unter Modis Hindu-nationalistischem Regime

Indiens Regierung und der Kampf von reich gegen arm

@BJP #Corona #Death #Health #Hindu @India @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Violence


It Was Already Dangerous To Be Muslim in India. Then Came the Coronavirus

@BJP #Corona #Health #Hindu #Islamophobia @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Violence


‘Can’t We Curse Ourselves?’: The Death of Irony in India

@India #Literature @Rana_Ayyub #Satire #Violence


Todesstrafe in Indien: Vergewaltiger gehängt

#Abuse #Death @India #Rape #Violence #Women


Delhi violence leaves over 50 dead


@Delhi #Hindu @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Violence


Allegations mount that police in Indian capital incited and aided recent mob violence and failed to help Muslim victims

Delhi’s Muslims despair of justice after police implicated in riots

@BJP @Delhi #Hindu @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism #Violence


Brasilianische Aktivistin Franco: Symbol des Widerstands

@Brasilia #Murder #Violence #Women


Fourteen Delhi mosques and a dargah that were burnt by Hindutva vigilantes/radicals in three days

@India #Hindu @Narendra_Modi #Muslim #Nationalism #Racism #Religion #Riots @RSS #Violence


How nationalistic Hindus looted and killed in Delhi last week.

Delhi riots: How Muslims’ homes were targeted and burnt

@Delhi #Hate #Hindu @India #Muslim #Nationalism #Religion #Riots #Violence


In India, Donald Trump heaped praise on the nation’s leader, Narendra Modi, and ignored a spasm of violence against Muslims unfolding on the streets.

Trump Praises Modi’s India, as Muslims Are Beaten on the Streets and a Mosque Is Defiled

#CAA @Donald_Trump #Hindu @India #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Protest #Racism #Religion #Supremacy #Violence


Proteste in Indien: „Ein Wunder, dass ich noch lebe“

@BJP #CAA #Hindu @India #Muslim #Nationalism @Narendra_Modi #Racism #Religion #Riots #Violence


Narendra Modis Indien während Trumps Besuch: Gewalt und Rassismus.

Proteste gegen Einbürgerungsgesetz: Gewalt überschattet Trump-Besuch

Trump-Besuch in Indien: Im Schatten des Hasses

@BJP #CAA @Delhi @Donald_Trump #Hindu @India #Muslim #Nationalism @Narendra_Modi #Protest #Racism #Religion #Riots #Violence


An expert in male sexual offenders was banned from Medium for this article on trans identified males.

Trans Identified Males Should Not Be Accessing Women’s Spaces

#Gender @Great_Britain #Health #Prison #Sex #Transgender #Violence #Women


Wie rechte Menschenfeinde Andersdenkende bis nach Hause verfolgen.

Effektiver Opferschutz von Betroffenen der Onlinekriminalität

@Germany #Nazis #Racism #Sexism #Violence


Paragraphen 218 und 219 StGB gehören gestrichen.

Absurde Statistik: Schwangerschaftsabbruch gleichgesetzt mit Mord

#§218 #§219 #Abortion #Freedom #Health #Violence


Trau keiner Statistik, die Du …

Studie von Medienwissenschaftlern:  vAfD verzerrt Bilanz zu Straftaten systematisch“

@AfD #Crime @Germany #Migration #Populism #Violence


Gewalt in Beziehungen.

Häusliche Gewalt: Paris kündigt Elektroschock-Maßnahmen an

#Abuse @Paris #Violence


Vor 20 Jahren hat die @UNO den 25. November offiziell zum Internationalen Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen gemacht.

Häusliche Gewalt

„Radikal den Kontakt abbrechen“

#Abuse #Violence #Women


Sozial- und Menschenrechte scheinen den rechten Eliten echt Angst zu machen.

Morde an Aktivistinnen in Kolumbien nehmen zu

@Columbia #Feminism #Human_Rights @Oxfam #Violence #Women


Amnesty veröffentlicht Reisewarnung für die USA wegen allgegenwärtiger Waffengewalt

@USA #Violence #Weapons


Ausländer sind Ausländer sind Ausländer…?

@Germany #Migration #Violence


Die Dummheit der Polizei und das Blut der Arbeiter

So trieb die Polizei die Mai-Unruhen in die Katastrophe Achtung, Paywall; also JavaScript, Cookies und CSS ausschalten

@Berlin @Germany #Military #Police #Violence #Weapons



Achtjährige vergewaltigt und ermordet - sechs Männer verurteilt

#Hindu @India #Muslim #Police #Rape #Violence #Women


@Pakistan: Imran Khan braucht dringend Unterstützung


@Balochistan @Imran_Khan #Violence


Umgang mit Gewalttaten

Ja zur privaten Social-Media-Notwehr!

#Internet #Social_Media #Violence


Evidence that trans-identifying natal males retain male pattern violence

Reasons for Safeguarding Concerns With Self-ID

#Gender #Ideology #Science #Sex #Transgender #Violence #Women


@Facebook: Kindesmisshandlung kann stehen bleiben – Holocaustleugnung auch


#Abuse #Internet #Social_Media #Violence


@Jonathan_Pie about Locking up kids and weaponising space

Welcome to Trump’s America

@Donald_Trump #Human_Rights #Justice #Satire #Violence @USA


Über #MeToo und die Opferrolle

Mimimi too - es ist geil, ein Opfer zu sein

#Abuse #Feminism #Gender #Rape #Sex #Violence #Women


Make sure, you’re sitting comfortably before reading this article.

Inside the CIA’s black site torture room

#Abuse @CIA #Human_Rights @USA #Violence #War


The Guardian view on Donald Trump and racism – a moral failure that shames America

@Adolf_Hitler @Donald_Trump #Equality #Hate #Nazis #Populism #Racism #Supremacy #Terrorism @USA #Violence


Materialsammlung zu Polizeigewalt und Behinderung der Presse

@G20 @Germany #Media #Police #Protest #Surveillance #Violence


Spine-Tingling Photos Reveal What Life Is Like In A Legal Bangladeshi Brothel

#Abuse @Bangladesh #Violence #Women


Verpflichten Sie sich, weibliche Genitalverstümmelung in Asien zu beenden

#Abuse @Africa @Asia #Genitalia #Sexism #Violence #Women


Dass Obama ein Serien-Killer ist, dürfte sich hinreichend herumgesprochen haben (Stichwort: Drohnen-Morde). Dass er – als ausgebildeter und ausbildender Jurist – eine offensichtliche Lüge verbreitet, um Edward Snowden nicht zu begnadigen, ist eine neuere Entwicklung. Dass dem irgendjemand noch irgendwtwas glaubt, ist recht erstaunlich. Hat der übrigens irgendeines seiner Wahlversprechen umgesetzt? Nur gut, dass der bald weg ist!

@Fefe Blog

@Barack_Obama #Drones @Edward_Snowden #Violence @USA

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#protest #psychiatry #psychology #puberty_blocker #putsch #quicksilver #racism #rain #rain-forest #rape #readme #reality #recycling #refugees #regime_change #relationships #religion #religiousdebate #renaissance #rent #reportit #repression #research #rigaer94 #righttoknow #riots #robot #roma #rome #router #safety #sanctions #sand #satire #saveourinternet #scandals #schufa #science #scifi #sea_weed #secrecy #secularism #security #selbstbestimmungsgesetz #selfid #selfimprovement #sex #sexism #sexuality #sjw #smartphone #smoke #snowflakes #social-media #social_media #software #solar_panel #solidarity #soy #space #spam #sports #staatstrojaner #sterilisation #stgb #stophateforprofit #streisand-effekt #strike #subsidies #sugar #suicide #supremacy #surgery #surveiilance #surveillance #tagname #tanks #tax #technology #telegram #tents #terror #terrorism #thisisnotadrill #tobacco #tolerance #tomato #torture #tq #tracing #tracking #trade #traffic #transgender #transparency #transsexual #trees #trojan_horse #truth #ttip #tuberculosis #tv #twitter #uncertainty #uploadfilter #vaccination #vaccines #victim #video #violence #volkstrojaner #vorratsdatenspeicherung #voting #wall #war #waronwomen #waste #water #watergate #wealth #weapons #weather #whistleblower #white_house #who #wifi #william_harvey #william_thomas_green_morton #wind #wokeness #women #wordstar #writing #www #zensur #zensur-behörden #zensur-maßnahmen #zensurheberrecht #zeppelin #zionism #§218 #§219 @aadhaar @aakashhassan @abigail_shrier @aclu @adl @adolf_eichmann @adolf_hitler @afd @afghanistan @africa @alain_de_botton @albania @alessandro_strumia @alex_jones @alexa @alexandria_ocasio-cortez @alice-salomon-hochschule @alice_schwarzer @alice_weidel @alliancelgb @allie_funk @allison_bailey @alphago @amanda_tapping @amazon @amnesty_international @andrea_voßhoff @andreas_scheuer @android @angela_davis @angela_merkel @anis_amri @anke_ehrhardt @antifa @antoni_comín @anyabike @aol @apple @ard @area @aserbaidschan @asia @assam @att @attac @attila_hildmann @augusto_pinochet @australia @austria @axel_voss @ayodhya @bahrain @balochistan @bangladesh @barack_obama @barcelona @barereality @barry_reay @basel @bavaria @bayer @bbc @beatles @beijing @belarus @berlin @bernie_sanders @betsy_reed @bettina_gaber @betty_steiner @bgh @bill_clinton @bill_gates @bill_oreilly @bitcoin @bjp @bjportraits @bka @blokada @bmw @bnd @bob_murray @bodo_ramelow @bolivia @bollywood @boris_johnson @boris_yeltsin @botswana @brasilia @brazil @brazil's @bsi @buchbinder @bulgaria @bundesfinanzhof @bundestag @bverfg @caityjohnstone @california @cambridge @cambridge_analytica @cameroon @campact @canada @canada's @cargill @carles_puigdemont @carola_rackete @catalonia @cathy_newman @ccc @cdu @charles_ihlenfeld @charles_stross @charlize_theron @chelsea_manning @chemnitz @chennai @christa_peterson @christian_lindner @christine_lambrecht @christoph_heusgen @cia @cia’s @cisco @claus_schenk_graf_von_stauffenberg @clearview @clinton_foundation @coca-cola @columbia @cornelsen @cory_doctorow @costa_rica @croatia @crypto_ag @csu @cuba @dachau @daimler @dalai_lama @dale_o'leary @dan_gillmor @daniel_suarez @darknet @darwin @david_bell @david_cameron @dbd @debra_soh @defectivebydesign @delhi @deniz_yücel @denmark @dentons @deutsche_bahn @deutsche_bank @deutsche_wohnen @dexter @dfb @dgb @dhs @die_linke @die_partei @digitalcourage @dilay_banu_büyükavci @dirgegirl @disney @docstockk @dominic_cummings @donald_trump @donna_hughes @douma @dr_em @drbiden @dreamhost @dresden @drummond_pike @duckduckgo @düsseldorf @ecosia @ecuador @eddie_izzard @edinburghuni @edward_snowden @edward_w_felten @eff @egypt @einar_wegener @ellen_page @elmar_brok @elon_musk’s @elsevier @emmanuel_macron @eritrea @erwin_schrödinger @ethiopia @eu @eugen_gomringer @europe @europeancommission @evo_morales @ezb @facebook @fairplaywomen @fbi @fcc @fdp @fefe @fff @finfisher @finland @firefox @florida @focus @fondofbeetles @forwomenscot @fox_news @frag_den_staat @france @frank-walter_steinmeier @frank_rieger @franz_josef_strauß @françois_hollande @friedrich_merz @frontex @fsf @ftp @g20 @gaby_weber @gchq @gender @george_floyd @george_orwell @george_osborn @george_soros @george_takei @george_w_bush @germaine_greer @germany @gff @ggreenwald @ghana @gids @gimp @gina_rippon @github @glastonbury @glenn_greenwald @god @google @google’s @great_britain @greece @greenpeace @greta_thunberg @groko @grüne @guardian @guinness @gurbanguly_berdimuhamedov @göttingen @günther_oettinger @haiti @halle @hamburg @hannah_arendt @hans-christian_ströbele @hans-georg_maaßen @hans-peter_uhl @harry_benjamin @harvard's @heiko_maas @helensteel12 @helsinki @her @hermann_otto_solms @hillary_clinton @hjoycegender @hohenzollern @honduras @hong_kong @hongkong @horst_seehofer @huawei @hubertus_heil @hungary @ican @iceland @idad @ietf @iglyo @ikea @immunity @imran_khan @india @intercept @internet_archive @ipcc @iran @iraq @ireland @isaac_asimov @israel @istandwithher1 @italy @iwf @jacob_appelbaum @jacob_rees-mogg @jair_bolsonaro @james_comey @james_damore @james_flynn @jan_kalbitzer @jane_philpott @janice_raymond @japan @jared_kushner @jawaharlal_nehru @jean_luc_melenchon @jeff_bezos @jeff_sessions @jennifer_pritzker @jens_spahn @jeremy_corbyn @jeremy_hunt @jesse_williams @jessica12uk @jimmy_kimmel @jitsi @jk_rowling @jo_bartosch @jody_wilson-raybould @joe_biden @joe_rogan @john_le_carré @john_money @john_oliver @john_oliver's @jon_stryker @jonathan_pie @jonathan_pie's @jordan_peterson @jordanbpeterson @joseph_fischer @juan_guaido @judith_butler @julian_assange @julian_assange’s @justin_trudeau @jutta_ditfurth @kali_linux @kamala_harris @karin_strenz @karl_marx @kaschmir @kashmir @kaspersky @katarina_barley @katharina_nocun @kathleen_stock @kathmurray1 @kazakhstan @ke_jie @keir_starmer @keira_bell @kenneth_zucker @kevin_kühnert @kickstarter @kim_jong-un @kkk @klbfax @kolkata @kristina_hänel @kurds @laura_poitras @lawrence_kubie @lawrence_lessig @lebanon @leipzig @lesbianlabour @lesleysemmens @lili_elbe @lilylilymaynard @linkedin @linus_torvalds @linux @lisa_eckhart @lithium @liverpool @london @lufthansa @lybia @mad @magnus_hirschfeld @mahatma_gandhi @malaysia @malta @margaret_hamilton @margaret_thatcher @margarete_stokowski @marine_le_pen @mark_bonham @mark_hamill @mark_weinstein @mark_zuckerberg @markmair @mars @martin_schulz @martin_sonneborn @martina_navratilova @martine_rothblatt @mathias_döpfner @matteo_salvini @mauramaxwell @max_schrems @maya_forstater @mcleaver @medium @mellibeinhorn @mention @mentionedname @mentions @mermaids @mesut_özil @mewe @mexico @michael_flynn @michel_temer @michigan @microsoft @mike_pence @mike_pompeo @minneapolis @minnesota @mirandanewsom @miroandrej @monsanto @mordor @mosaic @mozilla @muhammadali_jinnah @mumbai @munich @mutilation @mwat @myanmar @narendra_modi @nawaz_sharif @nayantara_sehgal @nestle @netflix @new-delhi @new_york @new_york_times @new_zealand @nextcloud @nga @nhs @nicaragua @nicolas_maduro @nigel_farage @nigeria @nils_melzer @noam_chomsky @norbert_röttgen @north_korea @northern_ireland @norway @nsa @nytimes @ofcom @okbiology @okuna @olaf_scholz @oliver_bierhoff @onelook @opcw @openai @openbook @oriol_junqueras @osaka @oskar_lafontaine @oslo @oxfam @oxford @pakistan @palestine @panama @pankhurstem @paris @parler @passie_kracht @patricia_trimble @patrick_breyer @paul_mchugh @paul_ziemiak @pen @penny_pritzker @pentagon @pepsi @peter_altmaier @peter_handke @peter_ramsauer @peter_schaar @philip_sutton @philipp_amthor @philippines @pimeyes @piraten @pokémon @poland @pope_francis @portland @portugal @posteo @postillon @pr_china @privacyint @profalices @public_domain @puerto_rico @qanon @rachel_levine @raf @rainer_meyer @rainer_wendt @rana_ayyub @ranaayyub @rashmee_kumar @raspberry_pi @ray_blanchard @reality_winner @recep_tayyip_erdoğan @reconquista_internet @reinhard_grindel @renate_künast @rex_tillerson @rezo @rheinmetall @ric_weiland @richard_fitzgibbons @richard_grenell @richard_nixon @ricky_gervais @riot @rob_hoogland @robert-koch-institut @robert_muller @robert_stoller @rodrigo_duterte @romania’s @rose_of_dawn @rote_hilfe @rss @rudolf_henke @rupert_murdoch @russia @ruth_hunt @rüdiger_kruse @saddam_hussein @safoora_zargar @samsung @san_francisco @sappfo @saskia_esken @saudi_arabia @scandinavia @sci-hub @scotland @sean_spicer @sebastian_brehm @sebastian_kurz @seerutkchawla @segmtweets @serbia @shelia_jeffreys @sibiria @sibylle_berg @siemens @sigmar_gabriel @signal @silvio_berlusconi @sina @singapore @siri @sjferguson3 @smh @somalia @sonia_kennebeck @south_africa @south_korea @south_sudan @spain @spd @spezialdemokratie @spiegel @srf @startpage @stellaomalley3 @stern @steve_bannon @steven_pinker @stonewall @strato @sun @sundar_pichai @susan_stryker @suzanne_moore @sweden @swipewright @switzerland @symantec @syria @taiga @taiwan @tajikistan @taliban @tamil_nadu @tampax @tavistock @taz @teamviewer @teatea1337 @telegram @terry_pratchett @thailand @the_economist @the_guardian’s @the_intercept @theresa_may @thierry_breton @thomas_de_maizière @thomas_de_maiziére @thomas_szasz @thomson_reuters_foundation @threema @tiananmen @tibby17 @tibet @tiktok @tim_berners-lee @tim_cook @tim_gill @tinder @tonto_1964 @tony_blair @tor @toronto @transgendertrd @turkey @turkmenistan @twisterfilm @twitter @tönnies @uber @ulla_schmidt @uluru @un @united_internet @uno @ursula_k_le_guin @ursula_von_der_leyen @usa @valentinamedici @vanessa_rodel @varavara_rao @venezuela @venezuela’s @verfassungsschutz @verizon @vietnam @viktor_orban @vladimir_putin @volker_kauder @volkswagen @w3c @wallonia @washington_post @washingtonpost @wau_holland @wdr @welt @whatsapp @who @wikileaks @wikileaks' @wikipedia @william_golding @windows @wire @wirecard @wolf @wolfgang_kubicki @wolfgang_schulz @wolfgang_schäuble @womans_place_uk @womenreadwomen @wpath @wwf @xi_jin_ping @xiaomi @xr @xychelsea @xychelsea's @yanis_varoufakis @yaniv @yemen @yonatanzunger @youtube @yugoslavia @zdf @zoom @zürich @évian