Meine Güte, was für'n Blah!

72 Suchtreffer


“President Biden is rolling back decades of women’s achievement and opportunity in sports by executive fiat.”

Joe Biden’s First Day Began the End of Girls’ Sports

#BidenErasedWomen #Biology #Gender @Joe_Biden #Misogyny #Sex #Sports #Transgender @USA #Women


War of words risks wiping women from our language – The US has joined a growing list of countries seeking to eradicate the language of biological sex in order to appease the influential trans lobby, says Janice Turner

#Biology #Gender #Ideology #Language #Sex #Transgender @USA #Women


Emily Bridges

#Biology #Gender #Misogyny #Sex #Sports #Transgender @USA #Women


A propagandist of the authoritarian trans-religion declares war on women, truth and reality.

One has to wonder why he wants to identify as “woman” in the first place if he’s so eager to harm them.

scary views to complement his scary style.

#BidenErasedWomen #Children #Gender #Health @Joe_Biden @Rachel_Levine #Sex #Transgender @USA


200 Missouri high schoolers walk out because trans student wants to use girls’ bathroom

#Biology #Education #Gender #Sex #Sports #Transgender @USA #Women


Leading Role in Obama ’08, but Backstage in ’12

@Barack_Obama #Corruption @Joe_Biden @Penny_Pritzker #Transgender @USA


Eine Transideologie will Frauen unsichtbar machen. Sie gefährde Gesetze gegen Diskriminierung aufgrund des Geschlechts, warnt eine feministische Kolumnistin.

Frauenrechte sind in Gefahr

#Gender #Ideology #Health #Sex @Suzanne_Moore #Transgender


“For several years, anyone raising doubts about GIDS ran the risk of being accused of transphobic bigotry, something that undoubtedly meant it has taken longer than it should have done for the failings of the clinic to be brought to light & addressed.”

Tavistock gender clinic whistleblowers have been vindicated

#Children #Gender @Great_Britain #Health #Sex @Tavistock #Transgender


Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation

#BidenErasedWomen #Corona #Gender @Joe_Biden #Sex #Transgender @USA


A while ago Github – like many others – decided to make accessing one’s data more complicated. Now, since I hadn’t committed data in some time, after a new commit of some source changes I got an email:

You recently used a password to access the repository at mwat56/apachelogger with git using git/2.17.1.

Basic authentication using a password to Git is deprecated and will soon no longer work. Visit for more information around suggested workarounds and removal dates.

Now, I access Github mostly from the command-line, hence I needed a way to store the created access token in some config file. Github describes Creating a personal access token. After going through that process I got another email:

A personal access token (my Github repos) with (…) scopes was recently added to your account. Visit for more information.

To see this and other security events for your account, visit

If you run into problems, please contact support by visiting

Well, as it turned out I indeed had a problem: The Github access via commandline didn’t work anymore. I noticed, however, that the file ~/.git-credentials had been truncated to 0 bytes. Hmm … Doing some research I tried as simple git push to see what would happen: I was asked for my user name and password the latter I answered with the access token generated before.

The file ~/.git-credentials had been updated to contain my username and access token.

@Github #Open_Source #Password #Security


To Compete, or not to Compete, that is the Question: Which is Nobler for Transwomen Athletes?

#Gender #Health #Sex #Sports #Transgender #Women


Jonathan Pie sends a heartfelt farewell: “Trump’s Last Day!”

Trump’s Last Day!

@Donald_Trump @Jonathan_Pie @USA


Biden picks transgender woman as assistant health secretary

#BidenErasedWomen #Children #Gender #Health @Joe_Biden @Rachel_Levine #Sex #Transgender @USA


Biden picks transgender woman Dr Rachel Levine as assistant health secretary

#Corona #Gender @Joe_Biden @Rachel_Levine #Sex #Transgender @USA


Transgender rapist – with anatomy of a man – jailed for 15 years

#Gender @Great_Britain #Prison #Rape #Sex #Transgender #Women


A guy to appease the woke-culture fails horribly: thousands of people die. – Later he gets a promotion …

Another Pa. lawmaker calls for resignation of Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine

#Corona @Rachel_Levine #Transgender @USA


Female child sex abuse ‘remains taboo’ while victims struggle

#Children #Gender @Great_Britain #Sex #Transgender #Violence #Women


It can hurt to leave one’s bubble to become an individual.

Identity Crisis: How Did You Become “Gender Critical”?

#Gender #Ideology #Racism #Sex #Transgender @USA #Women


“The story of how a semi-legal document binding all practitioners within the counselling professions became an activist mandate designed by an unaccountable network of trans/queer theorists with no professional qualifications”

Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy: Full Expose

#Gender @Great_Britain #Health #Sex #Transgender #Women


Assessment and support of children and adolescents with gender dysphoria

#Children #Gender @Great_Britain #Health #Sex #Transgender


On the difference between philosophy and dogma

Philosophy should be conversation, not dogma – face-to-face talk about our place in the cosmos and how we should live

#Free_Speech #Philosophy #Science


Ein Beispiel dafür, wie weit die autoritäre Trans-Religion die Linke auch in Deutschland bereits infiltriert hat. Männer brauchen bloß zu behaupten, sie fühlten sich als „Frau“, um Sympathie zu erhaschen, während die Schutzrechte von Frauen ignoriert werden …

Transidentität ist ein Fremdwort

#Gender @Germany #Prison #Sex #Transgender #Women


Where’s The Line On Moderation?

#Free_Speech #Gay #Gender #Homosexuality #Sex @USA


Teenager, 18, told she can have gender-swap drugs after one hour-long Zoom meeting

#Gender @Great_Britain #Health #Sex #Transgender


Become a “woman” to avoid jail time

Male criminals get a new card to play – Sex offenders are suddenly discovering their ‘true gender’ and receiving lighter sentences

#Gender #Health #Sex #Transgender @USA #Violence


I refuse to be bullied into silence: PROFESSOR KATHLEEN STOCK was ostracised and denounced by 600 colleagues because she dared to challenge the trans orthodoxy sweeping Britain

#Free_Speech #Gender @Great_Britain @Kathleen_Stock #Sex #Transgender


I Was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was All a Sham.

My New Life After Transgender Despair

#Gender #Health #Sex #Transgender @USA


One in 50 male prisoners identify as female, compared with one in 200 in the general population

#Gender @Great_Britain #Prison #Sex #Transgender #Women


Millions Flock to Telegram and Signal as Fears Grow Over Big Tech – The encrypted messaging services have become the world’s hottest apps over the last week, driven by growing anxiety over the power of the biggest tech companies and privacy concerns.

#Censorship @Glenn_Greenwald #Privacy #Security @Signal #Surveillance @Telegram


How defines what “hate speech” is? And who has the power to enforce a ban?

Former ACLU Head Ira Glasser on Why You Can’t Ban Hate Speech

@ACLU #Free_Speech #Hate @USA


Ein bemerkenswerter Beitrag, der die Erwachten, Mitläufer, und hauptberuflichen Opfer gewiss empören wird …

Kampf gegen Rassismus – Wenn Weiß-Sein zum Makel gemacht wird

@Germany #PC #Racism #Wokeness


How an agitator of the authoritarian trans-religion defames and misrepresents a real scientist.

Christa Peterson’s “hit piece” on Kathleen Stock

@Christa_Peterson #Gender #Ideology @Kathleen_Stock #Philosophy #Sex #Transgender #Women


Ja, bloß keine Leichenberge zeigen: Das könnte ja die eine oder andere Schneeflocke verstören! Lieber ein ästhetisch abgefedertes „Gedenken“, bei dem man die Brutalität nicht sehen muss.

Joe Biden übt scharfe Kritik an KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau

@Dachau @Germany @Joe_Biden #Nazis @USA


Edinburgh University article on transphobia sparks protest by women’s rights group

#Gender @Scotland #Sex #Transgender #Women


“We regard the claim that sex is neither fixed nor binary to be entirely without scientific merit—there are two sexes, male and female, and in humans, sex is immutable (disorders of sexual development are very rare and, in any event, do not result in any additional sexes). Such politically motivated policies and statements have no place in scientific journals. It is essential that impartiality be maintained in order to preserve public trust in science as a process dedicated to producing shared knowledge.”

The reality of sex

#Gender #Ideology #Science #Sex #Transgender


A world without gender

#Gender #Ideology #Science #Sex #Transgender #Women


The Intercept cleans house on their way to become mainstream media: Both Greenwald and Poitras – the co-founders – were kicked out.

“CEO Michael Bloom and Editor-in-Chief Betsy Reed have demonstrated repeatedly that they consider the whistleblowers and journalists who risk their lives on behalf of the organization as disposable. They demonstrated this by their lack of effort to protect Reality Winner. And again when they didn’t bother to inform Edward Snowden of their decision to defund the NSA archive. And now by firing me on a day’s notice from an organization built upon my work and reputation without even informing the staff or the public of their decision.”


Pulitzer winner Laura Poitras says she was fired from First Look Media

Laura Poitras Says She Was Fired From The Intercept Over Reality Winner Controversy

A Co-Founder of The Intercept Says She Was Fired for Airing Concerns

@Betsy_Reed @Edward_Snowden @Glenn_Greenwald @Intercept #Journalism @NSA @Reality_Winner @USA #Whistleblower


An impressive collection of examples for Twitter’s war against biology and women.

Silence, woman! – How Twitter makes it impossible for women to discuss their rights

#Gender #Language #Ideology #Sex #Transgender @Twitter @USA #Women


2,6 Milliarden Paar Schuhe exportiert #Indien jährlich. Wie die hergestellt werden, weiß kaum jemand. Eine Studie beleuchtet die Bedingungen.

Indische Lederindustrie: Pandemie erleichtert Ausbeutung

#Capitalism #Corona @India #Pandemic #Poverty #Trade


 ‘Transwomen Are Women’ and Other Polite Lies – Such statements seem accommodating, but they come at the expense of actual women.

#Gender #Health #Language #Ideology #Sex #Sports #Transgender @USA #Women


How the authoritarian trans-religion affects academia and free speech in Great Britain

The sinister attempts to silence gender critical academics

#Free_Speech #Gender @Great_Britain @Kathleen_Stock #Sex #Transgender


Ein Propaganda-Pamphlet (in der Terminologe der autoritären Trans-Religion) zur Abschaffung von geschlechtsspezifischen Rechten & Regeln und bemerkenswert frauenfeindlich.

Der „Sport tut sich schwer damit, das Zwei-Geschlechter-Denken zu überwinden.“ Wer im Biologie-Unterricht aufgepasst hat, weiss, dass es nur zwei Geschlechter (engl. „Sex“) gibt.

Ab wann ist ein biologischer Vorteil unfair? – Transgender stellen den Sport vor eine Herausforderung

#Gender #Health #Science #Sex #Sports #Transgender #Women


Keira Bell interview: is Keira ‘reconsidering her journey’?

#Children #Gender @Great_Britain #Health @Keira_Bell #Sex @Tavistock #Transgender


In the last three months, tech giants have censored political speech and journalism to manipulate U.S. politics, while liberals, with virtual unanimity, have cheered.

How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed Parler

@Amazon @Facebook #Free_Speech @Parler #Social_Media @Twitter @USA


The emergence of women-only online spaces

The witches’ web

#Feminism #Free_Speech #Gender #Internet #Sex #Social_Media #Transgender #Women


How men force their way into women’s spaces with help of the trans-religion

Sydney women-only ocean pool under fire over transgender policy

@Australia #Gender #Safety #Sex #Transgender #Women


Finding Purpose

#Abuse #Gender #Prison #Rape #Sex #Transgender #Violence


“The removal of Parler from app stores has made it clear that online opinions exist at the sufferance of those providing the soap box”

The black hole of online censorship

@Amazon #Censorship #Commerce @Facebook #Free_Speech @Parler @Twitter @USA



@Canada #Gender #Prison #Sex #Transgender #Women


Woman Fired for “Anti Trans” Tweet Launches Fund to Combat Cancel Culture

#Gender #Health #Sex #Transgender @USA #Women


‘A live experiment on children’: Mail on Sunday publishes the shocking physicians’ testimony that led a High Court judge to ban NHS’s Tavistock clinic from giving puberty blocking drugs to youngsters as young as 10 who want to change sex

#Children #Gender @Great_Britain #Health @Keira_Bell #Sex @Tavistock #Transgender #Women


Misogyny in Norway

#Gender #Health @Norway #Sex #Transgender #Women


Autistic girls seeking answers ‘are seizing on sex change’ – Experts on gender dysphoria say vulnerable teenagers are being steered towards harmful interventions

#Children #Gender @Great_Britain #Health @Keira_Bell #Sex @Tavistock #Transgender #Women


Wir sollten wagen, uns als „rassistisch“ und „islamophob“ diffamieren zu lassen – wenn wir vor den Gefahren des Islamismus und der Identitätspolitik warnen. So die französische Linke Caroline Fourest. Sie kritisiert die „politische Korrektheit“ und den „grassierenden Anti-Rassismus“. Und sie hat auch eine Lösung.

„Rassistisch“ – Na und?

@France #Free_Speech #Identity #Ideology #PC #Racism


About the neologisms ‘cissexual’ and ‘cisgender’

#Gender #Ideology #Sex


About the (intended) mess in British medical institution caused by the authoritarian trans-religion.

Investigation into the influence of gender ideology on medical institutions

#Gender @Great_Britain #Health #Sex #Transgender #Women


The Queen on the application of Privacy International v. Investigatory Powers Tribunal (UK General Hacking Warrants)

#Free_Speech @Great_Britain #Privacy #Surveillance


How Scotland’s gender clinic is helping people struggling with their identity

#Gender #Health @Scotland #Sex #Transgender #Women


Investigation into the influence of gender ideology on medical institutions

#Gender @Great_Britain #Health #Sex #Transgender #Women


A new study suggests transgender women maintain an athletic advantage over their cisgender peers even after a year on hormone therapy.

Trans women retain athletic edge after a year of hormone therapy, study finds

Effect of gender affirming hormones on athletic performance in transwomen and transmen: implications for sporting organisations and legislators

#Gender #Health #Science #Sex #Sports #Transgender #Women


Why does Ofcom pander to the lunatic fringes of transgender activism? – Rather than reflecting the opinions of the people, under Ofcom’s new code televised media risks becoming a tool to enforce conformity

#Free_Speech #Gender @Great_Britain #Health @Ofcom #Sex #Transgender


4 Things to Know About Martine Rothblatt 4 Things to Know About Martine Rothblatt – America’s highest paid “female” CEO is a transwoman with some radical ideas about the future.

#Gender #Health @Martine_Rothblatt #Sex #Transgender


“A Spectrum of Legs”: Date Night With Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

@Amnesty_International #Gender #Ideology @Ireland #Language #LGB #Sex #Transgender #Women


Detrans Story: Laura

#Gender #Health #Sex #Transgender #Women


“The threat to humanity from robots is real, but our new mechanical overlords won’t come from an advanced alien civilisation: we will invite them into our homes. As servants or sex toys, robots will come packaged as a cure for loneliness or sold to us as devices to reduce crime. The investment driving robotics is largely split between the military and masturbation tools for men; and arguably it is the latter which risks destroying civilisation.”

Love in the electronic age – Moral boundaries are being eroded by the rise of sex robots that claim to be “the perfect companion”

#Abuse #Children #Internet #Love #Pornography #Robot #Sexuality #Women


‘The Gender Clinic’ revisited in light of the Keira Bell judgment

#Children #Gender #Health @Keira_Bell #LGB #Sex @Tavistock #Transgender #Women


Protect gender dysphoric children from experimental treatment

#Children #Gender @Great_Britain @Keira_Bell #Sex @Tavistock #Transgender


The book Silicon Valley tried to kill: ABIGAIL SHRIER’S investigation into the exploding numbers of girls wanting to change sex has caused an outcry in America – but her story must be heard

@Abigail_Shrier #Free_Speech #Gender #Ideology #Sex #Transgender #Women


Einfach eine Frau

#Feminism #Gender #Sex #Women


Butler’s main idea, first introduced in Gender Trouble in 1989 and repeated throughout her books, is that gender is a social artifice. Our ideas of what women and men are reflect nothing that exists eternally in nature. Instead they derive from customs that embed social relations of power.

This notion, of course, is nothing new. The denaturalizing of gender was present already in Plato, and it received a great boost from John Stuart Mill, who claimed in The Subjection of Women that “what is now called the nature of women is an eminently artificial thing.” Mill saw that claims about “women’s nature” derive from, and shore up, hierarchies of power: womanliness is made to be whatever would serve the cause of keeping women in subjection, or, as he put it, “enslav[ing] their minds.” With the family as with feudalism, the rhetoric of nature itself serves the cause of slavery. “The subjection of women to men being a universal custom, any departure from it quite naturally appears unnatural…. But was there ever any domination which did not appear natural to those who possessed it?”

The Professor of Parody – The hip defeatism of Judith Butler

#Feminism #Gender @Judith_Butler #Sex @USA #Women


Transgender healthcare report recommends all patients receive psychological support in Ireland, not UK

#Gender @Ireland #Science #Sex @Tavistock #Transgender


Sex, gender and gender identity: a re-evaluation of the evidence

#Gender #Language #Science #Sex #Transgender

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#trojan_horse #truth #ttip #tuberculosis #tv #twitter #uncertainty #uploadfilter #vaccination #vaccines #victim #video #violence #volkstrojaner #vorratsdatenspeicherung #voting #wall #war #waronwomen #waste #water #watergate #wealth #weapons #weather #whistleblower #white_house #who #wifi #william_harvey #william_thomas_green_morton #wind #wokeness #women #wordstar #writing #www #zensur #zensur-behörden #zensur-maßnahmen #zensurheberrecht #zeppelin #zionism #§218 #§219 @aadhaar @aakashhassan @abigail_shrier @aclu @adl @adolf_eichmann @adolf_hitler @afd @afghanistan @africa @alain_de_botton @albania @alessandro_strumia @alex_jones @alexa @alexandria_ocasio-cortez @alice-salomon-hochschule @alice_schwarzer @alice_weidel @alliancelgb @allie_funk @allison_bailey @alphago @amanda_tapping @amazon @amnesty_international @andrea_voßhoff @andreas_scheuer @android @angela_davis @angela_merkel @anis_amri @anke_ehrhardt @antifa @antoni_comín @anyabike @aol @apple @ard @area @aserbaidschan @asia @assam @att @attac @attila_hildmann @augusto_pinochet @australia @austria @axel_voss @ayodhya @bahrain @balochistan @bangladesh @barack_obama @barcelona @barereality @barry_reay @basel @bavaria @bayer @bbc @beatles @beijing @belarus @berlin @bernie_sanders @betsy_reed @bettina_gaber @betty_steiner @bgh @bill_clinton @bill_gates @bill_oreilly @bitcoin @bjp @bjportraits @bka @blokada @bmw @bnd @bob_murray @bodo_ramelow @bolivia @bollywood @boris_johnson @boris_yeltsin @botswana @brasilia @brazil @brazil's @bsi @buchbinder @bulgaria @bundesfinanzhof @bundestag @bverfg @caityjohnstone @california @cambridge @cambridge_analytica @cameroon @campact @canada @canada's @cargill @carles_puigdemont @carola_rackete @catalonia @cathy_newman @ccc @cdu @charles_ihlenfeld @charles_stross @charlize_theron @chelsea_manning @chemnitz @chennai @christa_peterson @christian_lindner @christine_lambrecht @christoph_heusgen @cia @cia’s @cisco @claus_schenk_graf_von_stauffenberg @clearview @clinton_foundation @coca-cola @columbia @cornelsen @cory_doctorow @costa_rica @croatia @crypto_ag @csu @cuba @dachau @daimler @dalai_lama @dale_o'leary @dan_gillmor @daniel_suarez @darknet @darwin @david_bell @david_cameron @dbd @debra_soh @defectivebydesign @delhi @deniz_yücel @denmark @dentons @deutsche_bahn @deutsche_bank @deutsche_wohnen @dexter @dfb @dgb @dhs @die_linke @die_partei @digitalcourage @dilay_banu_büyükavci @dirgegirl @disney @docstockk @dominic_cummings @donald_trump @donna_hughes @douma @dr_em @drbiden @dreamhost @dresden @drummond_pike @duckduckgo @düsseldorf @ecosia @ecuador @eddie_izzard @edinburghuni @edward_snowden @edward_w_felten @eff @egypt @einar_wegener @ellen_page @elmar_brok @elon_musk’s @elsevier @emmanuel_macron @eritrea @erwin_schrödinger @ethiopia @eu @eugen_gomringer @europe @europeancommission @evo_morales @ezb @facebook @fairplaywomen @fbi @fcc @fdp @fefe @fff @finfisher @finland @firefox @florida @focus @fondofbeetles @forwomenscot @fox_news @frag_den_staat @france @frank-walter_steinmeier @frank_rieger @franz_josef_strauß @françois_hollande @friedrich_merz @frontex @fsf @ftp @g20 @gaby_weber @gchq @gender @george_floyd @george_orwell @george_osborn @george_soros @george_takei @george_w_bush @germaine_greer @germany @gff @ggreenwald @ghana @gids @gimp @gina_rippon @github @glastonbury @glenn_greenwald @god @google @google’s @great_britain @greece @greenpeace @greta_thunberg @groko @grüne @guardian @guinness @gurbanguly_berdimuhamedov @göttingen @günther_oettinger @haiti @halle @hamburg @hannah_arendt @hans-christian_ströbele @hans-georg_maaßen @hans-peter_uhl @harry_benjamin @harvard's @heiko_maas @helensteel12 @helsinki @her @hermann_otto_solms @hillary_clinton @hjoycegender @hohenzollern @honduras @hong_kong @hongkong @horst_seehofer @huawei @hubertus_heil @hungary @ican @iceland @idad @ietf @iglyo @ikea @immunity @imran_khan @india @intercept @internet_archive @ipcc @iran @iraq @ireland @isaac_asimov @israel @istandwithher1 @italy @iwf @jacob_appelbaum @jacob_rees-mogg @jair_bolsonaro @james_comey @james_damore @james_flynn @jan_kalbitzer @jane_philpott @janice_raymond @japan @jared_kushner @jawaharlal_nehru @jean_luc_melenchon @jeff_bezos @jeff_sessions @jennifer_pritzker @jens_spahn @jeremy_corbyn @jeremy_hunt @jesse_williams @jessica12uk @jimmy_kimmel @jitsi @jk_rowling @jo_bartosch @jody_wilson-raybould @joe_biden @joe_rogan @john_le_carré @john_money @john_oliver @john_oliver's @jon_stryker @jonathan_pie @jonathan_pie's @jordan_peterson @jordanbpeterson @joseph_fischer @juan_guaido @judith_butler @julian_assange @julian_assange’s @justin_trudeau @jutta_ditfurth @kali_linux @kamala_harris @karin_strenz @karl_marx @kaschmir @kashmir @kaspersky @katarina_barley @katharina_nocun @kathleen_stock @kathmurray1 @kazakhstan @ke_jie @keir_starmer @keira_bell @kenneth_zucker @kevin_kühnert @kickstarter @kim_jong-un @kkk @klbfax @kolkata @kristina_hänel @kurds @laura_poitras @lawrence_kubie @lawrence_lessig @lebanon @leipzig @lesbianlabour @lesleysemmens @lili_elbe @lilylilymaynard @linkedin @linus_torvalds @linux @lisa_eckhart @lithium @liverpool @london @lufthansa @lybia @mad @magnus_hirschfeld @mahatma_gandhi @malaysia @malta @margaret_hamilton @margaret_thatcher @margarete_stokowski @marine_le_pen @mark_bonham @mark_hamill @mark_weinstein @mark_zuckerberg @markmair @mars @martin_schulz @martin_sonneborn @martina_navratilova @martine_rothblatt @mathias_döpfner @matteo_salvini @mauramaxwell @max_schrems @maya_forstater @mcleaver @medium @mellibeinhorn @mention @mentionedname @mentions @mermaids @mesut_özil @mewe @mexico @michael_flynn @michel_temer @michigan @microsoft @mike_pence @mike_pompeo @minneapolis @minnesota @mirandanewsom @miroandrej @monsanto @mordor @mosaic @mozilla @muhammadali_jinnah @mumbai @munich @mutilation @mwat @myanmar @narendra_modi @nawaz_sharif @nayantara_sehgal @nestle @netflix @new-delhi @new_york @new_york_times @new_zealand @nextcloud @nga @nhs @nicaragua @nicolas_maduro @nigel_farage @nigeria @nils_melzer @noam_chomsky @norbert_röttgen @north_korea @northern_ireland @norway @nsa @nytimes @ofcom @okbiology @okuna @olaf_scholz @oliver_bierhoff @onelook @opcw @openai @openbook @oriol_junqueras @osaka @oskar_lafontaine @oslo @oxfam @oxford @pakistan @palestine @panama @pankhurstem @paris @parler @passie_kracht @patricia_trimble @patrick_breyer @paul_mchugh @paul_ziemiak @pen @penny_pritzker @pentagon @pepsi @peter_altmaier @peter_handke @peter_ramsauer @peter_schaar @philip_sutton @philipp_amthor @philippines @pimeyes @piraten @pokémon @poland @pope_francis @portland @portugal @posteo @postillon @pr_china @privacyint @profalices @public_domain @puerto_rico @qanon @rachel_levine @raf @rainer_meyer @rainer_wendt @rana_ayyub @ranaayyub @rashmee_kumar @raspberry_pi @ray_blanchard @reality_winner @recep_tayyip_erdoğan @reconquista_internet @reinhard_grindel @renate_künast @rex_tillerson @rezo @rheinmetall @ric_weiland @richard_fitzgibbons @richard_grenell @richard_nixon @ricky_gervais @riot @rob_hoogland @robert-koch-institut @robert_muller @robert_stoller @rodrigo_duterte @romania’s @rose_of_dawn @rote_hilfe @rss @rudolf_henke @rupert_murdoch @russia @ruth_hunt @rüdiger_kruse @saddam_hussein @safoora_zargar @samsung @san_francisco @sappfo @saskia_esken @saudi_arabia @scandinavia @sci-hub @scotland @sean_spicer @sebastian_brehm @sebastian_kurz @seerutkchawla @segmtweets @serbia @shelia_jeffreys @sibiria @sibylle_berg @siemens @sigmar_gabriel @signal @silvio_berlusconi @sina @singapore @siri @sjferguson3 @smh @somalia @sonia_kennebeck @south_africa @south_korea @south_sudan @spain @spd @spezialdemokratie @spiegel @srf @startpage @stellaomalley3 @stern @steve_bannon @steven_pinker @stonewall @strato @sun @sundar_pichai @susan_stryker @suzanne_moore @sweden @swipewright @switzerland @symantec @syria @taiga @taiwan @tajikistan @taliban @tamil_nadu @tampax @tavistock @taz @teamviewer @teatea1337 @telegram @terry_pratchett @thailand @the_economist @the_guardian’s @the_intercept @theresa_may @thierry_breton @thomas_de_maizière @thomas_de_maiziére @thomas_szasz @thomson_reuters_foundation @threema @tiananmen @tibby17 @tibet @tiktok @tim_berners-lee @tim_cook @tim_gill @tinder @tonto_1964 @tony_blair @tor @toronto @transgendertrd @turkey @turkmenistan @twisterfilm @twitter @tönnies @uber @ulla_schmidt @uluru @un @united_internet @uno @ursula_k_le_guin @ursula_von_der_leyen @usa @valentinamedici @vanessa_rodel @varavara_rao @venezuela @venezuela’s @verfassungsschutz @verizon @vietnam @viktor_orban @vladimir_putin @volker_kauder @volkswagen @w3c @wallonia @washington_post @washingtonpost @wau_holland @wdr @welt @whatsapp @who @wikileaks @wikileaks' @wikipedia @william_golding @windows @wire @wirecard @wolf @wolfgang_kubicki @wolfgang_schulz @wolfgang_schäuble @womans_place_uk @womenreadwomen @wpath @wwf @xi_jin_ping @xiaomi @xr @xychelsea @xychelsea's @yanis_varoufakis @yaniv @yemen @yonatanzunger @youtube @yugoslavia @zdf @zoom @zürich @évian