Meine Güte, was für'n Blah!

344 Suchtreffer


Men are not longer allowed to compete in Florida’s women’s sports.

Florida Republicans unexpectedly pass bill restricting trans athletes

@Florida #Gender #Sex #Sports #Transgender @USA


Identitätspolitik: „Schlechtes Gewissen einer Wohlstandselite“

#Education @France @Germany #Ideology #SJW @USA


Der „Rechtsstaat“ macht Platz der „Banalität des Bösen“

Nils Melzer über Julian Assange

@Adolf_Eichmann @Germany @Great_Britain @Hannah_Arendt #Human_Rights @Julian_Assange @Nils_Melzer @Sweden #Torture @UNO @USA


Gender and Women’s Studies Professor Donna Hughes, who wrote an essay decrying “the trans-sex fantasy” and comparing “the gender identity movement” to right-wing conspiracy theory QAnon, calls the university’s criticism “an egregious affront to my free speech and academic freedom rights.”

URI says it does not support professor’s statements that ‘espouse anti-transgender perspectives’

@Donna_Hughes #Gender @QAnon #Sex #Transgender @USA


A liberal mother about dealing with her son’s sudden declaration to be “trans”.

Transin’ the Suburbs

#Gender #Sex #Transgender @USA


“President Biden is rolling back decades of women’s achievement and opportunity in sports by executive fiat.”

Joe Biden’s First Day Began the End of Girls’ Sports

#BidenErasedWomen #Biology #Gender @Joe_Biden #Misogyny #Sex #Sports #Transgender @USA #Women


War of words risks wiping women from our language – The US has joined a growing list of countries seeking to eradicate the language of biological sex in order to appease the influential trans lobby, says Janice Turner

#Biology #Gender #Ideology #Language #Sex #Transgender @USA #Women


Emily Bridges

#Biology #Gender #Misogyny #Sex #Sports #Transgender @USA #Women


A propagandist of the authoritarian trans-religion declares war on women, truth and reality.

One has to wonder why he wants to identify as “woman” in the first place if he’s so eager to harm them.

scary views to complement his scary style.

#BidenErasedWomen #Children #Gender #Health @Joe_Biden @Rachel_Levine #Sex #Transgender @USA


200 Missouri high schoolers walk out because trans student wants to use girls’ bathroom

#Biology #Education #Gender #Sex #Sports #Transgender @USA #Women


Leading Role in Obama ’08, but Backstage in ’12

@Barack_Obama #Corruption @Joe_Biden @Penny_Pritzker #Transgender @USA


Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation

#BidenErasedWomen #Corona #Gender @Joe_Biden #Sex #Transgender @USA


Jonathan Pie sends a heartfelt farewell: “Trump’s Last Day!”

Trump’s Last Day!

@Donald_Trump @Jonathan_Pie @USA


Biden picks transgender woman as assistant health secretary

#BidenErasedWomen #Children #Gender #Health @Joe_Biden @Rachel_Levine #Sex #Transgender @USA


Biden picks transgender woman Dr Rachel Levine as assistant health secretary

#Corona #Gender @Joe_Biden @Rachel_Levine #Sex #Transgender @USA


A guy to appease the woke-culture fails horribly: thousands of people die. – Later he gets a promotion …

Another Pa. lawmaker calls for resignation of Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine

#Corona @Rachel_Levine #Transgender @USA


It can hurt to leave one’s bubble to become an individual.

Identity Crisis: How Did You Become “Gender Critical”?

#Gender #Ideology #Racism #Sex #Transgender @USA #Women


Where’s The Line On Moderation?

#Free_Speech #Gay #Gender #Homosexuality #Sex @USA


Become a “woman” to avoid jail time

Male criminals get a new card to play – Sex offenders are suddenly discovering their ‘true gender’ and receiving lighter sentences

#Gender #Health #Sex #Transgender @USA #Violence


I Was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was All a Sham.

My New Life After Transgender Despair

#Gender #Health #Sex #Transgender @USA


How defines what “hate speech” is? And who has the power to enforce a ban?

Former ACLU Head Ira Glasser on Why You Can’t Ban Hate Speech

@ACLU #Free_Speech #Hate @USA


Ja, bloß keine Leichenberge zeigen: Das könnte ja die eine oder andere Schneeflocke verstören! Lieber ein ästhetisch abgefedertes „Gedenken“, bei dem man die Brutalität nicht sehen muss.

Joe Biden übt scharfe Kritik an KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau

@Dachau @Germany @Joe_Biden #Nazis @USA


The Intercept cleans house on their way to become mainstream media: Both Greenwald and Poitras – the co-founders – were kicked out.

“CEO Michael Bloom and Editor-in-Chief Betsy Reed have demonstrated repeatedly that they consider the whistleblowers and journalists who risk their lives on behalf of the organization as disposable. They demonstrated this by their lack of effort to protect Reality Winner. And again when they didn’t bother to inform Edward Snowden of their decision to defund the NSA archive. And now by firing me on a day’s notice from an organization built upon my work and reputation without even informing the staff or the public of their decision.”


Pulitzer winner Laura Poitras says she was fired from First Look Media

Laura Poitras Says She Was Fired From The Intercept Over Reality Winner Controversy

A Co-Founder of The Intercept Says She Was Fired for Airing Concerns

@Betsy_Reed @Edward_Snowden @Glenn_Greenwald @Intercept #Journalism @NSA @Reality_Winner @USA #Whistleblower


An impressive collection of examples for Twitter’s war against biology and women.

Silence, woman! – How Twitter makes it impossible for women to discuss their rights

#Gender #Language #Ideology #Sex #Transgender @Twitter @USA #Women


 ‘Transwomen Are Women’ and Other Polite Lies – Such statements seem accommodating, but they come at the expense of actual women.

#Gender #Health #Language #Ideology #Sex #Sports #Transgender @USA #Women


In the last three months, tech giants have censored political speech and journalism to manipulate U.S. politics, while liberals, with virtual unanimity, have cheered.

How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed Parler

@Amazon @Facebook #Free_Speech @Parler #Social_Media @Twitter @USA


“The removal of Parler from app stores has made it clear that online opinions exist at the sufferance of those providing the soap box”

The black hole of online censorship

@Amazon #Censorship #Commerce @Facebook #Free_Speech @Parler @Twitter @USA


Woman Fired for “Anti Trans” Tweet Launches Fund to Combat Cancel Culture

#Gender #Health #Sex #Transgender @USA #Women


Butler’s main idea, first introduced in Gender Trouble in 1989 and repeated throughout her books, is that gender is a social artifice. Our ideas of what women and men are reflect nothing that exists eternally in nature. Instead they derive from customs that embed social relations of power.

This notion, of course, is nothing new. The denaturalizing of gender was present already in Plato, and it received a great boost from John Stuart Mill, who claimed in The Subjection of Women that “what is now called the nature of women is an eminently artificial thing.” Mill saw that claims about “women’s nature” derive from, and shore up, hierarchies of power: womanliness is made to be whatever would serve the cause of keeping women in subjection, or, as he put it, “enslav[ing] their minds.” With the family as with feudalism, the rhetoric of nature itself serves the cause of slavery. “The subjection of women to men being a universal custom, any departure from it quite naturally appears unnatural…. But was there ever any domination which did not appear natural to those who possessed it?”

The Professor of Parody – The hip defeatism of Judith Butler

#Feminism #Gender @Judith_Butler #Sex @USA #Women


Nach Bidens Sieg: Düstere Aussichten

«Das alte System ist tot, aber das neue weigert sich, geboren zu werden»

#Capitalism @Joe_Biden @USA @Yanis_Varoufakis


Reflexionen über die sog. „Demokraten“ in den USA

Fefe Blog

@Barack_Obama @Donald_Trump @Joe_Biden @Kamala_Harris #Prison @USA


Terroranschlag des EU-Ministerrates auf die EU

Fefe Blog

Auf den Terroranschlag folgt EU-Verschlüsselungsverbot

#Encryption @EU @France @Great_Britain #Privacy #Surveillance @USA


Mixed messages from several US states

Oregon Decriminalizes Small Amounts of Heroin and Cocaine; Four States Legalize Marijuana

#Drugs #Privacy @USA #Voting


Bemerkungen zu den US-Wahlen 2020

Fefe Blog

#Democracy #Election #Media @USA


How the trans-industry erases women.

The Gender Identity Industry: What We’re Up Against

#Gender #Sex @Tampax #Transgender @USA #Women


Another detail of racism in the USA

@John_Oliver about Juries

Last Week Tonight

#Justice #Racism @USA


Who ever thought the US “Democrats” would offer a liberal alternative to the current lunatic-in-chief has to accept that this won’t happen. Neither the presidential candidate nor his running mate are anything to hope for.

In Her First Race, Kamala Harris Campaigned as Tough on Crime — and Unseated the Country’s Most Progressive Prosecutor – Kamala Harris won her first election the old-fashioned way: big money, police endorsements, and fearmongering about crime.

#Election @Kamala_Harris #Police @USA


The Filthy Hypocrisy of America’s “Clean” China-Free Internet – The Trump administration wants to keep other countries from weaponizing technology the way the U.S. and its allies already have.

@Donald_Trump #Internet @Mike_Pompeo #Nationalism @PR_China @USA


Der Mob regiert

„Wie bei der Mafia“: Trump fordert finanzielle Beteiligung an TikTok-Übernahme

China will not accept U.S. ‘theft’ of TikTok: China Daily

White House Poised to Announce Move on TikTok’s U.S. Operations

#Corruption @Donald_Trump @Microsoft @Mike_Pompeo @PR_China @TikTok @USA


Good points about recent SF shows

Why are all these science-fiction shows so awful? – Westworld, Star Trek: Picard, Devs, and other series are making the same mistake.

#Computer #Conspiracy #Media #SciFi #TV @USA


@John_Oliver about the distortion of US-American history

Last Week Tonight

@Donald_Trump #Discrimination #History #Racism #Supremacy @USA


Revenge in Trump’s America

Border Patrol Launches Militarized Raid of Borderlands Humanitarian Aid Camp

#Border #Migration #Police @USA


Wie konservative Republikaner für einen konservativen Demokraten werben

Wie zermürbt man einen Präsidenten?

@Donald_Trump #Election @USA #Voting


Die un-heimliche Komplizenschaft der Internet-Giganten mit den US-amerikanischen Konservativen

Big Tech vor US-Kongress: Wenn Universen aufeinanderprallen

@Amazon @Apple #Cancel_Culture @Facebook @Google #Hate @Jeff_Bezos @Mark_Zuckerberg @Sundar_Pichai @Tim_Cook @USA


How “law-enforcement” agencies track protesters

How Cops Can Secretly Track Your Phone – A guide to stingray surveillance technology, which may have been deployed at recent protests.

#Free_Speech #Phone #Police #Privacy #Protest #Surveillance @USA


Corona Regierungs-CheffInnen

@Brazil #Corona @Denmark @Finland @France @Germany @Great_Britain @Iceland @Italy @New_Zealand @Norway @Russia @Spain @Taiwan @USA #Women


Interesting talk about the decline of science, political correctness, cult-like believe systems replacing proven facts, and many more …

Joe Rogan Experience – Dr. Debra Soh

#Biology @Debra_Soh #Gender #Identity @James_Damore @Joe_Rogan #LGB #PC #Science #Sexuality #SJW @USA


What others (including so-called “Democrats”) started – the militarisation of police forces – comes to fruition now with Trump.

Before Portland, Trump’s Shock Troops Went After Border Activists

#Authoritarians #Democracy @Donald_Trump #Police #Repression #Riots @USA #Violence


The U.S.-Supported Coup in Bolivia Continues to Produce Repression and Tyranny, While Revealing How U.S. Media Propaganda Works

@Bolivia #Capitalism #Democracy @Evo_Morales #Media #Propaganda #Putsch #Repression @USA


How long lasting racism supports Trump’s way to authoritarian power.

In Portland, Questions Swirl Around Local Police’s Coordination With Federal Officers

#Authoritarians @Donald_Trump #Police @Portland #Racism @USA


Wow! What a cool response to some dickhead’s insults.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Responds to Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL)

@Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez #Discrimination #Sexism @USA #Women


The Trump regime slowly slips into civil war

An Air Force Special Operations Surveillance Plane Is Lurking Near Portland During Federal Crackdown

#BlackLivesMatter #Civil_Rights #Democracy @Donald_Trump #Free_Speech #Surveillance @USA


Wie Trump unabhängig vom Wahlergebnis im Amt bleiben könnte

Trotz Niederlage könnte Trump im Amt bleiben

@Donald_Trump #Election #Military @USA


A system of unwavering revenge

After Pleading for Home Release During Coronavirus Pandemic, NSA Whistleblower Reality Winner Tests Positive

And one mustn’t forget that The Intercept got her into jail.

#Corona @Reality_Winner @The_Intercept #Whistleblower @USA


@John_Oliver about the Coronavirus and Conspiracy Theories

Last Week Tonight

#Corona #Conspiracy #Fake_News #Media #Social_Media @USA


Zehntausende US-Amerikaner, die dachten “Was kann schlimmstenfalls schon passieren?” und Trump wählten, an Corona gestorben

#Corona @Donald_Trump @USA


About “political correctness” and SJWs fighting against freedom and facts

How “Cancel Culture” Repeatedly Emerged in My Attempt to Make a Film About Tennis Legend Martina Navratilova

#LGB @Martina_Navratilova #PC #SJW #Social_Media @Twitter @USA


Microsoft: Pioneer and profiteer of mass surveillance and oppression.

The Microsoft Police State: Mass Surveillance, Facial Recognition, and the Azure Cloud

@Brazil #Facial_Recognition @Microsoft #Police @Singapore #Surveillance @USA


Die Zerstörung der USA durch das Trump Regime.

USA unter Trump: Zurück zu Pinochet?

@Augusto_Pinochet @Donald_Trump #Police #Repression @USA


Parts of this we can see here (i.e. Germany, Europe) as well. And the ignorance is terrifying.

Political Correctness Is Destroying America! (Just Not How You Think.)

#Free_Speech #Military #PC #Religion @USA


How in the USA elections are falsified

New York Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail-in Ballots in One District, Disproportionately Hitting Brooklyn

#Election @New_York @USA


Über Rassismus und Kinder-Erziehung

Charlize Theron erklärt ihren Kindern Rassismus: „Ich habe die Notwendigkeit gesehen, es anzusprechen“

@Charlize_Theron #Education #Racism @USA


Über die Gerüchte-Kampagnen der Geheimdienste

Warnungen vor russischen Hackern, die „fast sicher“ russischen Geheimdiensten angehören

@GCHQ @Great_Britain @NSA @Russia @USA


Ein weiterer von vielen getöteten Schwarzen

US-Jugendeinrichtung in Michigan: 16-Jähriger Schwarzer stirbt nach Fixierung

#BlackLivesMatter #Death @Michigan #Racism @USA #Violence


More footage of the murder of a black person by white police.

New Transcripts Detail Last Moments for George Floyd

@George_Floyd #Police #Racism @USA #Violence


Über Heuchelei im Kapitalismus

Facebook-Boykott: Imagepflege zum Nulltarif

@ADL #Advertising #Capitalism @Facebook #Free_Speech @USA


About the current cancel culture and the attack on free speech

A Letter on Justice and Open Debate

#Cancel_Culture #Discrimination #Free_Speech #Hate @USA


Zensur für den guten Zweck?

#Advertising #Capitalism #Censorship @Facebook #Free_Speech #Hate @USA


Election campaign in the USA


#Election @USA


@John_Oliver about Facial Recognition

Last Week Tonight

#Computer #facial_recognition #Privacy #Surveillance @USA


@John_Oliver about the Police

Last Week Tonight

#Police @USA #Violence


Nice …

Majority of Minneapolis city council vows to disband police department

@Minneapolis #Police #Violence @USA


USA drohen mit Truppenabzug: Deutsche reagieren mit kollektivem Winken

@Donald_Trump @Germany @USA #War


A look at the rise of the trans-industry

Martine Rothblatt: A Founding Father of the Transgender Empire

@Great_Britain #Ideology #Industry @Martine_Rothblatt #Religion #Sex #Transgender @USA


Zur Ähnlichkeit von Polizei-Arbeit und Corona-Apps

Mit der Corona-App gegen US-Demonstranten?

#Corona #Police @Minnesota #Surveillance @USA


Na, das ist doch mal ‘was! Fünfzig Jahre, nachdem auf deutschen Straßen „Amis Go Home!“ skandiert wurde, und dreißig Jahre, nachdem der Besatzungs-Zustand formal beendet wurde, will das US-Regime anscheinend seine Militär-Präsenz hier verringern. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass es sich nicht nur um einen PR-Gag handelt und die US-Amerikaner zügig aus Deutschland verschwinden, so dass das Kriegs-Zentrum Rammstein bald abgerissen werden kann.

Verteidigungspolitik: Trump plant massiven Truppenabzug aus Deutschland

@Donald_Trump @Germany @USA #War


Canada’s Prime Minister about the US President

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s 21 seconds of silence …

@Canada @Donald_Trump #Racism @USA #Violence


Trump’s memory


@Donald_Trump @Iran #Oppression @USA


Die USA auf dem Weg zum Staatsstreich

Donald Trump Is an Autocrat. It’s Up to All of Us to Stop Him.

Donald Trumps Strategien für den Staatsstreich

#Authoritarians @Donald_Trump @USA


Offenbar Öl in Washington D.C. entdeckt

#Oil @USA


Scrutinizing the U.S. Equality Act 2019: A Feminist Examination of Definitional Changes and Sociolegal Ramifications

#Feminism #Gender #LGB #Sex #Transgender @USA #Women


How (white) police killed a (black) man

8 Minutes and 46 Seconds: How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody

#Abuse #Police #Racism @USA #Violence


Trump’s Dark House

Donald the coward

@Donald_Trump #White_House @USA


@John_Oliver about Voting by Mail

Last Week Tonight

@Donald_Trump #Election @USA #Voting


Unterschriften gegen Trumps Lügen

Twitter: Geben Sie Trump nicht nach!

@Donald_Trump #Social_Media @Twitter @USA


The world’s 10 most dangerous countries for women

#Abuse @Afghanistan @India @Nigeria @Pakistan @Saudi_Arabia @Somalia @Syria @USA @Yemen #Violence #Women


Über die Schattenseiten des Computer-gestützten Lernens

Post-Corona-Träume aus Silicon Valley: Utopie oder Dystopie?

#Corona #Education @USA



#Civil_Rights @NSA #Privacy @USA


How religious fanaticism is used as pretext to deny civil and human rights to others.

Religious Freedom Demands That Women Be Denied Birth Control, Trump Administration Tells Supreme Court

#Feminism #Freedom #Justice #Religion @USA #Women


Über die angebliche „Befreiung“ Deutschlands 1945

@Fefe Blog

@Germany #Nazis @Russia @USA


The USA’s response to Corona from a Chinese point of view

Chinese state media releases animated propaganda video mocking US coronavirus response

#Corona #Pandemic @PR_China @USA


Some very impressive graphs …


#Corona #Health @Italy #Pandemic @PR_China @South_Korea @Taiwan @USA


The Liar Tweets Tonight


@Donald_Trump #Election #Music @USA


@John_Oliver: Coronavirus IV

Last Week Tonight

#Corona #Death @Donald_Trump #Health @USA


Wie der Rassismus in den USA Corona hilft

Corona-Pandemie und Rassismus: Die amerikanische Infektion

#Corona #Death #Health #Racism @USA


US-American reactionaries are trying to cripple encryption.

230, or not 230? That is the EARN IT question.

#Encryption #Privacy @Signal #Surveillance @USA


An US American look at Corona and its consequences.

Health: How the Pandemic Will End

#Corona @Donald_Trump #Health #Pandemic @USA


@John_Oliver about Coronavirus III

Last Week Tonight

#Corona #Health #Pandemic @USA


Das US Trump Regime hat wirklich einen an der Waffel.

Anstatt die Sanktionen gegen bspw. Venezuela oder den Iran aufzuheben, um so die dringend benötigte medizinische Versorgung zu ermöglichen, erklären sie den demokratisch gewählten Präsidenten Venezuelas zu einem Drogen-Händler und setzen ein Kopfgeld auf ihn aus. Verrückte Welt!

Kopfgeld statt Corona-Hilfen

#Corona @Donald_Trump @Nicolas_Maduro #Pandemic #Sanctions @Venezuela @USA


Wann endet Fracking?

#Economy #Fracking #Oil @Russia @Saudi_Arabia @USA


… lobbyists and their agents fighting for special favours … BernieSanders

@Bernie_Sanders #Corona @Donald_Trump #Health #Lobbyism #Pandemic @USA


Obama used to kill people by drones while Trump kills by negligence and malfeasance.

The Coronavirus Is Killing Iranians. So Are Trump’s Brutal Sanctions.

@Barack_Obama #Corona @Donald_Trump #Drones #Health @Iran #Pandemic #Sanctions @USA #War


A contrast between Merkel and Trump

The Leader of the Free World Gives a Speech, and She Nails It

@Angela_Merkel #Corona @Donald_Trump @Germany #Health #Pandemic @USA


The Indian govt & Hindu American Foundation have launched an unprecedented lobbying campaign to hide Modi’s atrocities in India & Kashmir. They’ve used fake news, intimidation & backdoor meetings to deter Congress from criticizing India.

India Lobbies to Stifle Criticism, Control Messaging in U.S. Congress Amid Rising Anti-Muslim Violence

@BJP #CAA #Hindu @India @Kashmir #Lobbyism #Muslim @Narendra_Modi #Nationalism @USA


Help to raise a quarter million $US due to the repressive US justice system.

Help Chelsea Manning Pay Her Court Fines

@Chelsea_Manning #Justice @USA #Whistleblower @XYChelsea


The USA about to destroy privacy

The EARN IT Bill Is the Government’s Plan to Scan Every Message Online

#EMail #Encryption #Privacy #Surveillance @USA


Judge orders financial ruin …

Chelsea Manning Ordered Free From Prison — but Will Still Have to Pay Massive Fines

@Chelsea_Manning #Justice @USA #Whistleblower @Wikileaks @XYChelsea


The US legal system is really broken!

Statement From Chelsea Manning’s Legal Team: Ms. Manning is Recovering in Hospital, Scheduled to Appear in Court Friday

@Chelsea_Manning #Justice #Suicide @USA #Whistleblower @Wikileaks @XYChelsea


Another attempt to break encryption by the US Trump regime.

The Graham-Blumenthal Bill Is an Attack on Online Speech and Security

#Censorship #Democracy #Encryption #Free_Speech #Social_Media @USA


Die Antwort auf Corona in den USA: Beten.


#Corona @Mike_Pence #Pandemic #Religion @USA


@John_Oliver about the Coronavirus

Last Week Tonight

#Corona #Health #Pandemic @Vietnam @USA


Face recognition is not surveillance?

PRIVACY AND SECURITY: We Found Clearview AI’s Shady Face Recognition App

@Clearview #Privacy #Security #Surveillance @USA


Seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg haben die USA noch nie für Demokratie gekämpft. Nun „vergessen“ sie die auch in Afghanistan …

Friedensabkommen mit den Taliban: Verrat an der Demokratie

@Afghanistan #Democracy @Donald_Trump @Taliban @USA #War #Women


Some thoughts about (GB|US) English style.


@Great_Britain #Language #Literature @USA


@John_Oliver about Medicare for All

Last Week Tonight

#Capitalism #Health @USA


Wie sich zeigt ist Deutschland ebenso tief in Spionage, Folter, Mord, Staatsstreiche u.dgl.m. verwickelt wie die USA.

“Operation ‘Rubikon’” - #Cryptoleaks: Wie BND und CIA alle täuschten

Geheimdienst-Affäre - Weltweite Spionage-Operation mit Schweizer Firma aufgedeckt

Crypto International AG

Der Spionage-Skandal rund um die Zuger @Crypto_AG

Cryptogate – Crypto AG: The NSAs Trojan Whore?

„Wer ist der befugte Vierte?“ – Geheimdienste unterwandern den Schutz von Verschlüsselungsgeräten

@BND @CIA #Encryption #Espionage @Germany #Murder @NSA @SRF #Torture @USA @Washington_Post @ZDF


Apparently user-tracking isn’t necessary for ads revenue

After #GDPR, The @New_York_Times cut off ad exchanges in Europe — and kept growing ad revenue

#DSGVO #Economy @EU @USA


Spring the mouse trap: don’t fall for @Disney+

#Computer #DRM @USA


About reporting in times of criminalisation of #journalism.

Reporters Face New Threats From the Governments They Cover

Guardian and Washington Post win Pulitzer prize for NSA revelations

@Brazil @Donald_Trump @Edward_Snowden @Glenn_Greenwald @Jair_Bolsonaro @Julian_Assange #Repression @USA


Twitter of all companies fights against a startup that’s supposedly using its pictures and found way to market the pictures Twitter itself obviously didn’t think of.

@Twitter Tells Facial Recognition Trailblazer to Stop Using Site’s Photos

@ClearView #facial_recognition #Privacy #Surveillance @USA


Die Frage nach dem „Warum“ lässt sich beantworten mit der Frage, wem der Anschlag nützte. – Die US-amerikanische Ökonomie lag so ziemlich am Boden, außenpolitisch hatte Bush sich weitgehend isoliert, seine Wiederwahl war äußerst zweifelhaft (schon seine erste Wahl hatte er nur gewissen Wahlfälschungen zu verdanken). Und was macht man in einer solchen Situation? Antwort: Üblicherweise eine außenpolitische Krise, oder besser noch: einen Krieg. Das heizt die Konjunktur an, schiebt die innenpolitischen Auseinandersetzungen in den Hintergrund und eint das Volk hinter ihrem Führer. Präsident Bush (einschließlich seiner Öl-handelnden Sippe) waren die Gewinner des Anschlages …

<sup>9</sup>⁄<sub>11</sub>: Mühsame Aufklärung über saudische Mitwirkung

@George_W_Bush #Oil #Terrorism @USA #War


Was in den USA bereits angewendet wird, soll auch in der EU eingesetzt werden, so die Absicht der Herrschenden.

Firma betreibt Gesichter-Datenbank: Erst heimlich, dann unheimlich

@ClearView: Gewaltige Fotodatenbank zeigt, wie gefährlich Gesichtserkennung ist

#Computer @EU #facial_recognition #Surveillance @USA


Tracking a person by phone sounds easy enough – even if the person is president of the USA.

How to Track President Trump By Stuart A. Thompson and Charlie Warzel

#Computer @Donald_Trump #Internet #Privacy #Surveillance #Technology @USA


#Privacy_Shield EU-Generalanwalt gibt Schrems in Facebook-Fall Recht

@EU @Facebook @Google #Internet @Max_Schrems @NSA #Privacy @USA


Das “möglichst nichts tun” v.a. der USA und Brasiliens wurde offensichtlich durchgesetzt.

Madrid Einigung auf Klimagipfel – scharfe Kritik von Umweltschützern

@Brazil #Climate_Change @UN @USA


Australiens Demokratie wurde herabgestuft …

@Fefe Blog

@Botswana #Democracy @Australia @Ghana @USA


Facebook Is an Engine of Anti-Muslim Hate the World Over

@FaceBook #Islamophobia @Mark_Zuckerberg #Muslim @USA


Wann ist ein Genozid kein Genozid? – Über Rechtfertigungs-Artikel der Medien für die westlichen Interventionen im früheren Jugoslawien.

Nobelpreis für einen „Genozid-Leugner“

#Conspiracy #Genocide @Croatia #Muslim #Nobel_Prize @Peter_Handke @Serbia @USA @Yugoslavia


Pompe-O Wants To Go Home To Kansas


@CIA @Mike_Pompeo @USA


Abolish parental rights to allow for the pharma industry make as profit.

The document that reveals the remarkable tactics of trans lobbyists

Only Adults? Good Practices in legal Gender Recognition for Youth

Dentons campaigns for kids to switch gender without parental approval

@Dentons #Gender #Lobbyism #Pharma #Propaganda #Sex #Transgender @USA


@Lithium aus Bolivien: Nach dem Putsch gegen Evo Morales ist alles wieder ungewiss.

Was wird aus Boliviens Lithiumträumen?

@Bolivia #Democracy #Economy #Election @Evo_Morales #Media @PR_China #Propaganda #Putsch #Regime_Change @USA


@Google wird zum rabiaten Arbeitgeber und schmeißt aufmüpfige MitarbeiterInnen ‘raus.

Google gegen Mitarbeiter: Konfrontationskurs geht weiter

#Capitalism #Economy #Ethics #Free_Speech @Germany #Transparency @USA


Top 10 Reasons to Support the Internet Archive

#Archive #Computer #Corruption #Internet #Media @USA


@John_Oliver about the #Census in the @USA

The Census



Law suits as a weapon to shutdown critics.

@John_Oliver about SLAPP Suits.


@Bob_Murray #Coal #CO2 #Free_Speech #Justice #Pollution @USA


@John_Oliver about Voting Machines


#Election #Technology @USA


@John_Oliver about Trump & @Syria


@Donald_Trump @USA


Even parents shouldn’t be able to OK chemical ‘transitions’ for little kids

#Children #Transgender @USA


Joe Rogan lets Edward Snowden talk: Why Edward Snowden Turned #Whistleblower.


@CIA @Edward_Snowden #Free_Speech @GCHQ #Internet @Joe_Rogan #Justice @NSA #Privacy @Russia #Security #Surveillance #Trojan_Horse @USA


@Jonathan_Pie about Trump’s Great and Unmatched Wisdom


#Death @Donald_Trump @Kurds #Racism @Syria #Terrorism @USA @Vladimir_Putin #War


@John_Oliver about @Thailand feat. Rip Taylor.


#Satire @USA


@John_Oliver about Legal Immigration.

Last Week Tonight

#Justice #Migration @USA


Snowden: “If I Happen to Fall out of a Window, You Can Be Sure I Was Pushed”

Interview with Edward Snowden

@Edward_Snowden #Whistleblower @USA


@John_Oliver about #Filibuster in parliament.

Last Week Tonight



Normalerweise erlebt man die Arschkriecherei gegenüber den USA meist v.a. verbal. Nun gibt’s auch ein paar fiskalische Anhaltspunkte.

Bundesregierung gibt Hunderte Millionen für US-Truppen aus

@Germany #Military #Money @USA


The new censors, and the habit of trying to silence opposing views, instead of rebutting them.

The global gag on free speech is tightening

@Afghanistan #Authoritarians #Censorship @PR_China @Donald_Trump @Egypt @Eritrea @Ethiopia #Free_Speech @Germany @Great_Britain @Hungary @India #Internet @Kashmir @Nicaragua @Pakistan #PC @Russia @Saudi_Arabia #SJW @Turkey @USA @Viktor_Orban @Vladimir_Putin @Xi_Jin_Ping


Amnesty veröffentlicht Reisewarnung für die USA wegen allgegenwärtiger Waffengewalt

@USA #Violence #Weapons


Na, das wär’ doch mal was: Amis Go Home!

US-Botschafter Grenell droht Deutschland mit Truppenabzug

@Germany #Occupation @Richard_Grenell @USA


Help Free Thought Live

#Free_Speech #Journalism @USA


@John_Oliver about Prison Labour

Last Week Tonight

#Economy #Labour #Prison @USA


@Jonathan_Pie about Trump & the “R” word!


@Donald_Trump @Great_Britain @USA


@John_Oliver about Warehouses (@Amazon et al.)

Last Week Tonight

#ECommerce #Health #Labour #Money @USA @Verizon


@John_Oliver about #Impeachment

Last Week Tonight

@Donald_Trump @USA


@John_Oliver about the »Equal Rights Amendment«.


#Equality #Feminism #Gender #Human_Rights @USA #Women


Right to the point – again.

@Jonathan_Pie: Trump Visits The Queen.


#Brexit @Donald_Trump @EU @Great_Britain #Satire @USA


Wenn das klappt, könnte ja noch ‘was Gutes aus den nordamerikanischen Spinnereien werden. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass Huawei ihr OS dann auch für andere Geräte anbietet.

@Huawei: Eigenes Betriebssystem könnte schon im Herbst fertig sein.

Nicht Android

@Android @PR_China @Donald_Trump #Economy @USA


Es fragt sich, wann Trump Sanktionen gegen z.B. @Cisco verhängt, weil die – im Gegensatz zu Huawei – wohl tatsächlich Sicherheitslücken und Hintertüren in ihren Produkten haben …

@USA vs. @Huawei: SD Association und weitere Organisationen seilen sich ab

#Capitalism @Donald_Trump #Economy #Trade


In Berlin letztes Jahr störten sich ein paar StudentInnen an einem Gedicht und zogen in den Kampf, um es von einer Hauswand entfernen zu lassen. Im Heimatland der Sozial-Gerechtigkeits-Krieger (SJWs) wird nun das Recht auf freie Verteidigung erneut infrage gestellt und Anwälte bestraft.

@Fefe: Keine Verteidigung für böse Menschen!

Harvard’s First Black Faculty Deans Let Go

Uproar Over Harvey Weinstein Defense

@Alice-Salomon-Hochschule #Freedom #Justice #PC #Poem #SJW @USA


Mögliche Vergewaltigungen durch Assange werden in Schweden weiter verfolgt.

Ermittlungen über Assange wegen Vergewaltigung in Schweden wieder aufgenommen

So richtig kann ich irgendwie kein Mitgefühl für den Mann aufbringen. So, wie ich es sehe, hat er sich die Suppe selber eingebrockt. Seine Rechtfertigung für die Flucht – erst nach Großbritannien und dann dort in die ecuadorische Botschaft – ist entlarvend: Er wolle einer Festnahme entgehen, die zu seiner Auslieferung in die @USA führen könnte. Das aber setzt voraus, dass an den Vergewaltigungs-Vorwürfen genug dran ist, um seine Festnahme begründen zu können. Insofern gibt er indirekt zu, dass er sich etwas hat zuschulden kommen lassen – was er andererseits bestreitet. Seine ganze Argumentation ist – beschaut man sie sich näher – reichlich konfus.

Was an der ganzen Angelegenheit bedauerlich ist: Das Ansehen des wichtigen Projektes @WikiLeaks wird durch das Verhalten seines Mit-Gründers zum Negativen beeinflusst. Das hat das Projekt nicht verdient.

@Great_Britain @Julian_Assange #Justice #Rape @Sweden


The @Intercept apparently got another one of their informants arrested. I wonder when they will start to take their responsibility seriously.

the intercept statement

@Betsy_Reed #Journalism @USA #Whistleblower*


The University’s shabby treatment of the psychology professor smacks of intellectual cowardice:

How Cambridge flunked the Peterson test

@Cambridge #Free_Speech @Jordan_Peterson #Science @USA


Bericht über @Fox_News und Donald Trump

“Sein Schild und sein Schwert”

@Donald_Trump @Rupert_Murdoch @USA


How authoritarian activists exclude the “L” and “G” from #LGB communities:

Trans activists hate these two powerful women

#Authoritarians @Canada #PC #SJW @USA


Wie schon bspw. beim Staatsstreich von Jelzin in Russland vor 26 Jahren ist auch hier wieder „der Westen“ eifrig dabei, alles zu ignorieren (incl. Demokratie, Menschenrechte, Souveränität etc.), um die kapitalistische Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsordnung durchzusetzen.

Der lang geplante Regime Change

@Boris_Yeltsin #Capitalism #Freedom @Juan_Guaido @Nicolas_Maduro @Russia @Venezuela @USA


The @EU started the game to accept self-proclaimed men as “president”. @Russia considered to follow …

How would the American people respond …



2018 DMCA anti-circumvention exemption process:

some progress, but not enough

#Copyright #DMCA @USA


… the surgery won’t actually “reassign” sex: “My body will regard the vagina as a wound; as a result, it will require regular, painful attention to maintain.”

My New Vagina Won’t Make Me Happy – And it shouldn’t have to.

#Gender #Sex #Surgery #Transgender @USA #Women


Make America rake again!

Make America rake again!

@Donald_Trump @USA


@John_Oliver about Authoritarianism

Last Week Tonight

#Authoritarians @Donald_Trump @USA


@John_Oliver about »Drain the Swamp«

Last Week Tonight

#Corruption @Donald_Trump #Lobbyism @USA


@John_Oliver about Family Separation

Last Week Tonight

@Donald_Trump @USA


@John_Oliver about @Saudi_Arabia

Last Week Tonight

@Donald_Trump #Satire @USA


@John_Oliver about Felony Disenfranchisement

Last Week Tonight

#Election @Florida #Religion @USA


Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole

For those who’d like to read the suppressed paper:

An Evolutionary Theory for the Variability Hypothesis

#Authoritarians #Feminism #PC #SJW @USA #Women


@Jonathan_Pie about Banning Bannon


#Election #Free_Speech @Great_Britain #Satire @Steve_Bannon @Donald_Trump @USA


How dogmatic academia destroys #feminism.

Title IX complaint filed against “hate men” professor

#Authoritarians #Free_Speech #LGB #PC #Science #SJW @USA #Women


Where is the server?

Trump as Putin at the @Helsinki Summit press conference


@Donald_Trump @Russia @USA @Vladimir_Putin


@John_Oliver: #Economy and #Trade explained to Trump.

Last Week Tonight

#Capitalism @Donald_Trump @USA


One month until IDAD 2018!

#Copyright #DMCA #Freedom #Internet @USA


@Jonathan_Pie: Murdoch & Trump vs. The World


@Donald_Trump #Freedom @Rupert_Murdoch @USA #Satire


Auf dem Weg zum normierten Verhalten: Wer abweicht, wird ‘rausgeschmissen.

Wenn „nicht-authentisches Verhalten“ zur Sperrung führt

#Discrimination #Diversity @Donald_Trump #Free_speech #NeuroDiversity @USA


@John_Oliver about Prosecutors

Last Week Tonight

#Justice @USA


@John_Oliver about Workplace Sexual #Harassment


#Gender #Sex @USA #Women


Politics & Elections

An Interview With Noam Chomsky

#Authoritarians @Donald_Trump #Election @Noam_Chomsky @USA


Wie man eine erdachte Geschichte erfolgreich der westlichen Politik verkauft.


@Russia @USA #Whistleblower


@John_Oliver about Gene Editing

Last Week Tonight

#Capitalism #Biology #Genetics #Health #Science @USA


@Jonathan_Pie about Locking up kids and weaponising space

Welcome to Trump’s America

@Donald_Trump #Human_Rights #Justice #Satire #Violence @USA


The PC-types and SJWs appear to have won another battle. After they succeeded last year in @Canada with having a law passed that introduced compelled speech (Bill C-16) into Canadian life now the arguably most prominent organisation defending free speech in the @USA is in the process of revising their guidelines by linking the right to free speech with certain conditions. This would reduce a civil right to a mere offering by the mighty to be withheld any time certain conditions are not met. While the 20th century was devoted in many parts of the world to fight for freedom and democracy the 21st century starts with vandalising freedom and reducing the freedom of expression and speech especially in (but not limited to) “democratic” countries. There seems to be a wave from universities (which offer more and more studies based on believe instead of facts) over companies and organisations (which introduce and enforce “company cultures”) up to the leaders of countries like e.g. the UK, or the USA, or Canada.

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

Was @Fefe dazu sagt.

@ACLU #Free_Speech #PC #SJW


My current favourite …

Akira & Jordan Peterson

Don’t bother children when they’re skateboarding

#Education @Jordan_Peterson #Music @USA


Ich kann die Aufregung der veröffentlichten Meinung über Trumps Verhalten in Kanada nicht so recht nachvollziehen. Schließlich handelt es sich bei den G6/7/8/20-Treffen im Grunde nur um aus Steuermitteln finanzierte private Treffen, die durch keinerlei demokratischen Prozess legitimiert sind und keinerlei Verbindlichkeit besitzen. Und was ein paar Typen in ihrer Freizeit machen – sich die Hände schütteln oder nicht, streiten oder speisen, oder was auch immer – ist wenigstens in demokratisch verfassten Gesellschaften belanglos, lediglich Masturbation der Mächtigen

@Canada @Donald_Trump @USA


You’re living in the US and have suicidal thoughts? No problem: Call 911 and the police will come to kill you.

Police Broke Into Chelsea Manning’s Home With Guns Drawn In A “Wellness Check”

@Chelsea_Manning #Police #Suicide @USA @XYChelsea


George Takei’s Accuser Has Changed His Story of Drugging and Assault

@George_Takei #LGB #PC #SJW @USA


Die Logik imperialer Kriege

@USA #War


@Google as the playground of political insanity …

Google’s Insane Campus

Is What Happens When You Politicize Everything

#Internet #LGB #PC @USA


Vergeltung für völkerrechtswidrige Angriffe auf Syrien: China bombardiert USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich

@PR_China @France @Great_Britain @Syria @USA #War


Scheinheiligkeit von KI-Wissenschaftlern


#AI @PR_China @Russia #Science @USA


Robert Sawyer about the US atomic bombs on Japan

The U.S. had to drop atomic bombs on Japan?

@Japan @USA #War


Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse

#Capitalism #Economy @USA


Some things about the guy who’d follow Trump in office …

@John_Oliver about Mike Pence

Last Week Tonight

@Donald_Trump @Mike_Pence @USA


@John_Oliver about Cryptocurrencies

Last Week Tonight

#Bitcoin #Internet #Money @USA


@John_Oliver about Trump vs. The World

Last Week Tonight

@Donald_Trump @USA


When students replace reason and facts by believe and activism …

Last Week at Wellesley

#Authoritarians #Free_Speech #PC @USA


Remember the guy who tried to help make @Google a better company? Who was first intentionally misunderstood, then misrepresented, and finally fired by Google? Well, he now sued Google, and the documents provided to court show a shocking picture of Google’s internal “culture” of institutionalised intolerance and inequality.

James Damore vs. Google: Class Action Lawsuit

#Capitalism #Echo_Chamber #Gender #Identity @James_Damore #PC #SJW @USA


Fight #DRM, support Defective by Design!

#Copyright @USA


Doctor Who Exposed Corruption In @Haiti Found Dead

@Clinton_Foundation @USA


Die Urheberrechtsmafia hat sich mal wieder ein Parlament gekauft …

STAR WARS - DIE LETZTEN JEDI: Viel Luke und zu viel Unfug

#Copyright #Movies @USA


@Jonathan_Pie: Enough is Enough.


@Donald_Trump #Satire @USA


Terabyte-große Datencontainer entdeckt: US-Militär überwacht Soziale Netzwerke weltweit

Das einzig etwas Erstaunliche ist die offenbar mangelnde Zugriffssicherheit. Und natürlich der Umstand, dass jemand von sich aus die Armee darauf aufmerksam macht.

#Internet #Military #Privacy #Social_Media #Surveillance @USA


@John_Oliver about The Trump Presidency

Last Week Tonight

Apparently the #White_House is run by an iPhone …

#Authoritarians @Donald_Trump #Populism #Technology @USA


Die Entschlüsselung eines Telefons ist offensichtlich wichtiger als der Umstand, dass in den @USA Tausende mit schussbereiten Knarren herumlaufen.

Handy des Schützen von Texas könnte Streit über Verschlüsselung anheizen

#Encryption #Freedom #Privacy #Surveillance


Profite (selbst eingebildete) sind in den USA wichtiger als Wissenschaft.

Guerilla-Forschungsbibliothek: US-Gericht fällt hartes Urteil gegen Sci-Hub

#Freedom #Justice @Sci-Hub #Science @USA


Ich frage mich, wie jemand angesichts des real existierenden Amerikanismus nicht „anti-amerikanisch“ sein kann …

Der Anti-Anti-Amerikanismus

#Capitalism @Germany @USA


@John_Oliver about Economic Development

Last Week Tonight

@Amazon #Capitalism #Economy #Tax @USA


Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

Clinton Brazile Hacks

Is there anybody surprised by this? – I guess, not …

Brazil #Capitalism #Corruption #Election @Hillary_Clinton @USA


Lies …

They Lied about …

#Capitalism @Iraq @Lybia @Syria @USA #War


Aktion bei Anhörung von Jeff Sessions

Wenn Lachen eine Straftat ist

@Donald_Trump #Election @Jeff_Sessions #Justice @USA


911 Gave Us The Police State With The “Patriot” Act, After Vegas Get Ready For “USA Liberty” Act

How words make politics …

#Freedom #Surveillance @USA


Hillary Clinton Just Told Five Blatant Lies About WikiLeaks

Why can’t that woman just shut up and accept that people realised what an untrustworthy fraud she is?

#Capitalism @Hillary_Clinton @USA @WikiLeaks


Was Präsidenten wirklich glaubten

- und was sie der Öffentlichkeit sagten

#Media @USA @Vietnam #War


Israel Hacked @Kaspersky, Caught Russian Spies Hacking American Spies, But…

The Hacker News

#Computer #Internet @NSA @Russia #Security @USA


The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency employs over 15,000 people in its shadows. The @NGA is the cutting-edge spy agency that oversees the surveillance trade.

Meet the @CIA’s Big Brother:

The Multibillion Dollar US Spy Agency You’ve Never Heard Of

#Privacy #Surveillance @USA


Make sure, you’re sitting comfortably before reading this article.

Inside the CIA’s black site torture room

#Abuse @CIA #Human_Rights @USA #Violence #War


Über die Entmündigung von Frauen an US-amerikanischen Bildungseinrichtungen

Sexuelle Belästigung an Universitäten

Kampf auf Kosten aller Beteiligten

#Gender #Science #Sex @USA #Women


People Are Worried About DHS Plans To Gather Social Media Info

@DHS #Privacy #Social_media @USA


Trump’s Muslim-Ban now includes citizens of @Venezuela as well …

President Donald J. Trump apparently doesn’t like muslims.

Security Standards For Traveling to America

@Donald_Trump #Migration #Muslim #Racism #Religion #Security @USA


Die Bemühungen zur Privatisierung von Zensur gehen weiter, sollen internationalisiert und globalisiert werden. Dabei gibt es nicht einmal zweifelsfreie Definitionen dafür, was zu unterdrücken ist. Wäre etwa die Unterstützung US-amerikanischer Interventionen (militärisch, ökonomisch oder klandestin) überall auf der Welt als „Terrorismus-Unterstützung“ zu löschen?

Anti-Terror-Initiative: Online-Firmen sollen extremistische Inhalte binnen zwei Stunden löschen

#Censorship #Social_Media #Terrorism @USA


Thoughts on @Harvard’s cowardly & disgraceful decision to withdraw @xychelsea’s fellowship.


@Chelsea_Manning @CIA #PC #SJW @USA


Good riddance, I’d say. I wonder way such a shady figure was allowed to indoctrinate students in the first place. – Ms. Manning’s (@xychelsea) actions did not harm anyone (despite unsubstantiated claims mentioned in this resignation letter) but she did a great job in bringing some troubling facts into the public consciousness.

Former CIA acting director Mike Morell resigns from Harvard over Chelsea Manning appointment.

@Chelsea_Manning @CIA #Science @USA


Remember the software engineer James Damore who got fired by @Google for introducing some science into “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber”?

The text of the memo is available: Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber

The Google Memo: Four Scientists Respond

Four Scientists Respond

And – as I just learned – there’s even a Wikipedia entry:

about this affair

#Echo_Chamber #Economy @James_Damore #PC #Science @USA


Don’t store your data in the cloud – especially if you’re a journalist. You never know when the provider will cut your access:

My @YouTube account was suspended for uploaded/embedded portions of AQ vids used for analysis for U.S. v Pfc. Manning.

It appears my Google account is also slated for deletion.

@Chelsea_Manning @Google @USA @XYChelsea


Selling ads – even for ghosts …

Facebook audience inflation a global issue

#Capitalism #Economy @Facebook @USA


What really happened …

How I Lost

By Hillary Clinton

#Corruption @Hillary_Clinton @USA


Nun wird klar, weshalb die USA so am Sturz der vorherigen Präsidentin interessiert waren: um ihren Mann ins Amt zu bringen.

Drohende Umweltschäden in Amazonasregion Brasilien gibt riesigen Naturpark für Bergbau frei

@Amazon @Brazil #Climate_Change #Ecology #Economy @Michel_Temer #Mining @USA @WWF


Apparently Trump’s DoJ doesn’t know what it’s doing according to its new motion: “the government did not know …”

We Fight for the Users


Here’s the the government’s new motion:

BTW: I wonder whether there would be such a public outcry if the host in question were a Nazi/racist site …

#Anonymity @Donald_Trump @DreamHost @EFF #Internet #Nazis #Privacy #Surveillance @USA


Erinnert ein wenig an die hiesigen Stromkonzerne, die über Jahrzehnte Milliarden-Subventionen bekommen habe, für Jahrtausende gefährlichen Abfall produzieren und sich den Abschied von der unverantwortlichen Technologie dann nochmal mit Millionen versüßen lassen.

Ärger über Pipeline-Protest Energiekonzern verklagt @Greenpeace wegen “Mafiapraktiken”

#Capitalism #Ecology #Energy #Oil @USA


@Google will KI zur Gesinnungsprüfung nutzen …

Google and ProPublica team up to build a national hate crime database

#AI #Hate #Privacy #Surveillance @USA


@Fefe über die @ACLU in den @USA und die Gültigkeit von Freiheitsrechten


#Free_Speech #Human_Rights #Justice #Nazis


While one might notice with satisfaction that Nazis seem to get problems hosting their web-sites, that’s the completely wrong approach.

Why Nazis must have freedom of speech

#Censorship #Free_Speech #Nazis @USA


Eine weitere Erinnerung für Web-Seiten-Anbieter, die IP-Adressen ihrer BesucherInnen nicht zu speichern.

Massenhafte Datenabfrage US-Justiz sucht Besucher von Trump-kritischer Webseite

#Anonymity @Donald_Trump @Dreamhost #Internet #Privacy #Surveillance @USA


Not sure whether the reactionary vice president would be “better” …

Jimmy Kimmel’s Plan to Save Us from Trumpy

@Donald_Trump @Jimmy_Kimmel @Mike_Pence @USA


The Guardian view on Donald Trump and racism – a moral failure that shames America

@Adolf_Hitler @Donald_Trump #Equality #Hate #Nazis #Populism #Racism #Supremacy #Terrorism @USA #Violence


@Jonathan_Pie about North Korea vs Donald Trump.


@Donald_Trump @Kim_Jong-un @North_Korea #Satire @USA


@John_Oliver about North Korea

Last Week Tonight

@Donald_Trump @Kim_Jong-un #Missiles @North_Korea @USA


A definition of courage.

This photo from a recent KKK rally, in which a strong, beautiful black woman stands up to a cowardly white supremacist who doesn’t have the guts to show his face, says it all … we WILL NOT be intimated by the resurgent Nazis spurred on by Trump’s election! /img/15de668088b50539_20170813_BlackWomanKKK.jpg.jpeg

#BeCourageus @KKK #Nazis #Supremacy @USA


Another example of the Trumpification of the US …

The Toxic Drama on YA Twitter

#Censorship @Donald_Trump #Literature #PC #Racism #Social_Media #SJW @Twitter @USA


Die Trumpifizierung der Medien geht weiter: Wer sich für „falsche“ Inhalte interessiert, wird belehrt …

Die Umkehrung der Suchfunktion zur Bekehrung der Suchenden

@Donald_Trump #Education #Free_Speech @Google @YouTube @USA


The Trumpification of North America (@Canada and the @USA) is along further than we might think: Whatever doesn’t fit one’s personal ideology and preconceptions has to be considered “false news” or – as the author of the linked article puts it – “pseudoscience”.

This mindset, however, is in no way helping to solve actual problems (like discrimination based on age, sex or sexual orientation, skin colour etc.) but just enforces a religion-like approach – as in the Church of Google – which ultimately excommunicates those who voice opinions contrary to the official beliefs as recently shown in the case of @James_Damore.

It’s a very bad sign for the generations to come that knowledge – including the mistakes done while striving for it – is replaced by make-believe and misrepresentation of those who don’t fit in one’s own agenda. The concept of truth – both individual and objective – seems to be obsolete. Acknowledged is only what supports one’s own interests, anything else is “fake” …

Stop Equating “Science” With Truth

#Discrimination @Donald_Trump #Gender #Science #Truth


Without a useful discussion – only blaming, shaming, and misrepresentation – @Google fired @James_Damore, the author of a paper about Google’s “Echo Chamber”.

Here’s The Full 10-Page Anti-Diversity Screed Circulating Internally at Google

And in case someone thinks it’s only an US-American phenomenon they should have a look at the reaction of German media the authors of which obviously didn’t even read the paper and much less understood it:

<del>Google News</del>

In case someone wants to read the original text by James Damore (not the “leak” linked above):

Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber

James Damore’s official site

Fired for Truth

#Censorship #Capitalism #Computer #Discrimination #Echo_Chamber #Economy #Gender #Identity #Ideology #Sexuality @USA


@John_Oliver about Border Patrol

Last Week Tonight

#Border #Corruption @Donald_Trump #Drugs @Mexico #Migration @Steve_Bannon @USA #Wall


@Jonathan_Pie about The White House Revolving Door

He doesn’t give a fuck

@Donald_Trump #Military #ObamaCare @USA #White_House


Bill O’Reilly has disappeared (for the time being) – Alex Jones is still thriving…

@John_Oliver about Alex Jones

Last Week Tonight

@Alex_Jones @Bill_OReilly #Capitalism #Conspiracy @Donald_Trump #Economy @USA


@John_Oliver about a SLAPP Suit.

Why a coal titan is suing John Oliver for defamation


@Bob_Murray #Coal #CO2 #Free_Speech #Justice #Pollution @USA


Documents expose how Hollywood promotes #war on behalf of the Pentagon, @CIA and @NSA

#Movies @USA


The US government is removing scientific data from the #Internet

@Donald_Trump #Ecology #Science @USA


@John_Oliver about Vaccines

Last Week Tonight

@USA #Vaccination


@John_Oliver about #Coal

Last Week Tonight

@Bob_Murray #CO2 @Donald_Trump #Free_Speech #Labour #Pollution @USA


@John_Oliver about the #Paris_Agreement

Last Week Tonight

#Climate_Change @Donald_Trump #Ecology #Economy @USA


How The Intercept Outed Reality Winner

#Media @Reality_Winner @The_Intercept #Whistleblower @USA


Deutschland und China fordern von USA Bekenntnis zum Klimaschutz

@PR_China #Climate_Change @Germany @USA


Jared Kushner’s Other Real Estate Empire in Baltimore

#Capitalism @Jared_Kushner #Wealth @USA


How I Lost By Hillary Clinton

#Corruption #Election @Hillary_Clinton @USA


@John_Oliver about Stupid Watergate

Last Week Tonight

#Corruption @Donald_Trump @Hillary_Clinton #Impeachment @James_Comey @Mike_Pence @Robert_Muller @Russia @USA #Watergate



Hilferuf von Edward Snowden

@Edward_Snowden @Hongkong @USA #Whistleblower


@John_Oliver about Net Neutrality (Update)

Last Week Tonight

#Capitalism @FCC #Internet #ISP #Net_Neutrality @USA


@John_Oliver about Net Neutrality II

Last Week Tonight

#Capitalism @Donald_Trump @FCC #Internet #ISP #Net_Neutrality @USA


@Jonathan_Pie about The Trump Regime


@Donald_Trump #Media @Russia @USA


Menschenrechte sind für die USA im Prinzip nur eine persönliche Marotte …

Abschied vom Menschenrechtsimperialismus?

@Afghanistan #Authoritarians @Donald_Trump @Grüne #Human_Rights #Imperialism @Iraq @Joseph_Fischer @Kim_Jong-Un @Rex_Tillerson @Rodrigo_Duterte @Saddam_Hussein @USA @Yugoslavia


Warum uns Hillary erspart blieb …

Der Totalschaden

#Corruption #Election @Hillary_Clinton @USA


“… he’s a fucking imbecile.”

@Jonathan_Pie about Trigger Happy Trump


@Donald_Trump @Iraq @Sean_Spicer @Syria @USA @PR_China


Despite all his efforts Trump’s Russian connections remain in he headlines.

British spies were first to spot Trump team’s links with Russia

@Donald_Trump #Election @Great_Britain @Russia @USA


Geheimakte BND & NSA: Operation #Eikonal – das Inland als „virtuelles Ausland“

@BND @Germany @NSA @USA


@John_Oliver about #Marijuana

Last Week Tonight

@Barack_Obama @Richard_Nixon @USA


Geheimakte BND & NSA: Grundrechte adé – die „Funktionsträgertheorie“

@BND #Civil_Rights @Germany @NSA #Surveillance @USA


Our American friends should know this – and act accordingly.

The U.S. Senate Just Sold out Your Internet Privacy

#Internet #ISP #Privacy #Surveillance @USA


Geheimakte BND & NSA: Bad Aibling und die „Weltraumtheorie“

@BND @Germany @NSA @USA


The @Bernie_Sanders Revolt Against Trump and the Corporate-Left

@Donald_Trump #Election @USA


@John_Oliver about the Federal Budget

Last Week Tonight

@Donald_Trump #Economy @Steve_Bannon @USA


Geheimakte BND & NSA: Hilfe für den US-Drohnenkrieg

@BND #Drones @Germany @NSA @USA


While Trump started to shut down science in the US, Noam Chomsky’s archive is about to get digitised.

Help us unBox a lifetime of Noam Chomsky’s work.

@Donald_Trump @Noam_Chomsky #Science @USA


@John_Oliver about the American Health Care Act

Last Week Tonight

@Barack_Obama @Donald_Trump #Health #Medicaid #ObamaCare @USA


Die Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) gibt in einem Handbuch juristische und technische Tipps für das Überqueren von US-Grenzen.

Handbuch: Sichere Überquerung von US-Grenzen mit Laptop und Handy

Digital Privacy at the U.S. Border: Protecting the Data On Your Devices

#Border @EFF #Encryption #Privacy @USA


@Jonathan_Pie about 50 Days of Trump


#Authoritarians @Donald_Trump #Health @Russia @Steve_Bannon @USA


Geheimakte BND & NSA: Wie der NSA-Ausschuss tagt und tickt

@BND @Germany @NSA @USA


Russian Hands in US Election: Most of the World is Just Collapsing in Laughter

#Election @Noam_Chomsky @Russia @USA


Spitzelaktivitäten der @CIA Ströbele: Bundesregierung muss gegen US-Spione durchgreifen

@Andrea_Voßhoff @BND #Computer #Espionage @Hans-Christian_Ströbele @Germany #Internet @NSA @USA @Verfassungsschutz


Oops …

@Facebook belässt sexualisierte Kinderfotos und meldet Finder an Behörden

Facebook failed to remove sexualised images of children

Paedophiles use secret Facebook groups to swap images

#Abuse @BBC #Children #Internet #Paedophiles @USA


Amazons Spion im Haushalt hilft der Polizei.

Ermittlungen zu mutmaßlichem Mord: Amazon händigt Alexa-Aufnahmen aus

@Alexa @Amazon #Police @USA #Water


Ein nüchterner Blick auf die Scheinheiligkeit der Proteste gegen Trump.

Der scheinheilige Dissens gegen Trump

@Donald_Trump #Election #Protest @Silvio_Berlusconi @USA


Geheimakte BND & NSA: Das Merkel-Handy als Katalysator

@Angela_Merkel @BND @Germany @NSA @USA


@John_Oliver about #Obamacare

Last Week Tonight

@Barack_Obama #Health @USA


OMG, she really doesn’t get it! First she claims all the resistance (of in part people she cheated out of the nomination competition) throughout the US for herself. Then finally she threatens to stay. Apparently the poor US can’t get rid of her and hers, especially since the “Democratic Party” just elected a right wing establishment representative as their new leader.

@Hillary_Clinton urges Democrats to keep fighting

#Election #Fraud @USA


Karneval in @Düsseldorf: Trump und die Freiheitsstatue

@Donald_Trump #Liberty @USA


The CIA’s “Coup” Against Trump

@CIA @Donald_Trump @USA


Geheimakte BND & NSA: Die Vorgeschichte und die Schockwellen

@BND @Edward_Snowden @Germany @NSA @USA


Geheimakte BND & NSA: Ein Blick auf drei Jahre versuchte Aufklärung

@BND @Edward_Snowden @Germany @NSA @USA


@Pentagon Caught Paying PR Firm $540 Million to Make Fake Terrorist Videos

#Terrorism @USA


The Leakers Who Exposed Gen. Flynn’s Lie Committed Serious — and Wholly Justified — Felonies

@Donald_Trump @Michael_Flynn @USA


America First, Mordor Second youtube

@Donald_Trump @Mordor @USA


A visionary …

Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?

@Donald_Trump @USA


America First … but what about Iran?


@Donald_Trump @Iran @Steve_Bannon @USA


Protest Pie.


@Donald_Trump #Free_Speech @Jonathan_Pie #SJW @USA


Petition of thousands of scientists

The Petition

#Free_Speech #Muslim #Religion @USA


Trumps Pipeline den Geldhahn zudrehen!

@Barack_Obama #Climate_Change @Donald_Trump #Money #Oil @USA


An interesting (and somewhat frightening) summary of the Trump regime’s steps towards unchecked power.

Trial Balloon for a Coup?

@Donald_Trump @USA


Praktisch keine funktionierende Kontrolle des BNDs, die machen, was sie wollen – einschließlich Parlamente überwachen …

Geheimdienstkoordinator im NSA-Ausschuss: BND darf Parlamente überwachen

@BND @Germany @NSA #Privacy #Surveillance @USA


Bombs, drones, lies, secrecy and opacity: the legacy of Barack Obama.

“Criminal In Chief” — 78 Times President Obama Broke The Law During Presidency

@Barack_Obama #Crime #Drones @USA #Weapons #War


The U.S. Copyright Office should end the broken #DMCA anti-circumvention exemptions process

#Computer #Copyright @DefectiveByDesign #Internet @USA


An Open Letter to Silicon Valley

Trump: A Resister’s Guide

#Computer @Donald_Trump #Privacy #Surveillance @USA


D.Trump legt unerwünschte Wissenschaft still. Bemerkenswert daran ist weniger, dass er das tut – schließlich entspricht’s seiner Geisteshaltung, unbequeme Wahrheiten auszublenden. Bemerkenswert ist vielmehr, dass er das tun kann: Offensichtlich herrschen in den USA nicht feste Regeln, sondern pure Willkür. Und für die Erkenntnis sollte man dankbar sein, finde ich.


@Donald_Trump #Science @USA


Im US-amerikanischen Kongress liegt derzeit ein Gesetzentwurf, der den Austritt der USA aus den Vereinten Nationen (UNO) regelt …

To end membership of the United States in the United Nations.



@Jonathan_Pie about The Inauguration of Trump

… a Shakespearian tragedy – well, written by monkeys on typewriters …

Pie Reacts

@Donald_Trump #Election @USA


Pie’s end of year rant. 2016


@Bernie_Sanders @Boris_Johnson #Brexit @David_Cameron @Donald_Trump #Election @Great_Britain @Hillary_Clinton @Jeremy_Corbyn @Jeremy_Hunt @Mike_Pence @NHS @Russia @Syria @Theresa_May @Tony_Blair @USA


Neben der Privatisierung von Zensur-Maßnahmen und der damit verbundenen Strafvereitelung, sollen offensichtlich auch Rechtsauslegung und Rechtsprechung in private Unternehmen verlegt werden. Da auf diese Weise systematisch Beweise vernichtet werden, können so neben staatlichen Ermittlern auch Richter und deren Hilfskräfte eingespart und so die öffentlichen Kassen entlastet werden. Nebenbei kommt die Zeit der Rache für die @SPD: Medien wie die Springer-Presse, die in nicht unerheblichem Umfang von erfundenen oder verfälschten Nachrichten leben, müssen sich nun nach einem anderen Geschäftsmodell umsehen … Man darf gespannt sein auf’s Kleingedruckte, insbesondere wenn man bedenkt, wie gedankenlos die Öffentlich-Rechtlichen Rundfunk- und Fernseh-Sender mit offensichtlichen Propaganda-Lügen umgehen (z.B. „russische Hacker“). Und was wird aus der allgemein üblichen Arschkriecherei gegenüber den @USA? Was würde aus all dem Alltagslügen unserer politischen Kaste, wenn all das unter Strafe gestellt würde?

#Fake_News: Politischer Aktionismus schafft ein “Zensurmonster”

#Censorship #Privatisation


Schon während ihrer Wahl-Kampagne waren wiederholt Fragen zu ihrem Gesundheitszustand gestellt worden. Nun zeigt sich, dass Frau Clinton offensichtlich auch an Größenwahn und Paranoia leidet. Man kann die US-BürgerInnen nur bemitleiden dafür, dass sie zwei so kaputte KandidatInnen hatten und die anderen praktisch keine Chancen in dieser polarisierten Atmosphäre. So konnte leider nur die Kandidatin des Establishments verhindert werden, die sich nun als Opfer sieht einer Aktion, bei der – von wem auch immer – ihre z.T. illegitimen Machenschaften öffentlich bekannt wurden. Dass die Frau nicht die geringste Scham oder Reue zeigt, ist schon bemerkenswert.

„,Persönlicher Beef‘ hat Putin zu Hacker-Attacke bewogen“

@Barack_Obama @CIA @Donald_Trump #Election #Fake_News @FBI #Health @Hillary_Clinton @Russia @USA @Vladimir_Putin


Eine erfrischende Alternative zu den Zensur-Fetischisten und “Hate-Speech”-Aposteln …

@Fefe Blog

#Censorship #Free_Speech #Hate @KKK #Racism @USA


@NSA Watchdog Removed for #Whistleblower Retaliation

@Edward_Snowden @USA


Sheriff Caught Scrubbing Facebook Page of Evidence of DAPL Civil Rights Violations after Fed Lawsuit

@Facebook #Oil #Police @USA


Die USA erteilen sich selbst die Zuständigkeit für das Hacken von Computern überall auf diesem Planeten.Und niemand scheint etwas dagegen zu haben, wie schon die weltweiten NSA-Angriffe keine praktischen Folgen hatten – abgesehen davon, es ihnen nachzumachen …

@USA: Richter dürfen nun viel weitergehendes Hacking von Computern erlauben

#Computer #Privacy #Surveillance


Who would have thought that? One of the most reactionary propagandists in the USA urged the president-elect to accept the Climate treaty …

@Bill_OReilly: Trump “Should Accept The Paris Treaty On Climate To Buy Some Goodwill Overseas”

@Donald_Trump #Climate_Change @USA


Dass Obama ein Serien-Killer ist, dürfte sich hinreichend herumgesprochen haben (Stichwort: Drohnen-Morde). Dass er – als ausgebildeter und ausbildender Jurist – eine offensichtliche Lüge verbreitet, um Edward Snowden nicht zu begnadigen, ist eine neuere Entwicklung. Dass dem irgendjemand noch irgendwtwas glaubt, ist recht erstaunlich. Hat der übrigens irgendeines seiner Wahlversprechen umgesetzt? Nur gut, dass der bald weg ist!

@Fefe Blog

@Barack_Obama #Drones @Edward_Snowden #Violence @USA


@John_Oliver about President-Elect Trump

Last Week Tonight

@Donald_Trump #Election @USA


Notizen zum künftigen Gangster im Bundespräsidialamt …

@Fefe Blog

Steinmeier wird Bundespräsident

Steinmeier würde wieder so entscheiden

BND-Vermerke widersprechen Steinmeier

NSA-Überwachung: Steinmeier hat Kooperation des BND abgesegnet

@BND @CIA @Frank-Walter_Steinmeier @Germany @NSA @Spezialdemokratie @USA


@Fefe Blog

Sanders Statement on Trump

@Bernie_Sanders @Deutsche_Bank @Donald_Trump #Election @Hillary_Clinton #Media @USA


Congratulations, America! The US of A are no longer ashamed to openly show their ugly face for the whole world to see. Electing Donald Trump tells everyone who’s willing to listen: Yes, we are a society with deeply ingrained racism, misogyny, corruption, greed and nationalism – and, fuck you, we are proud of it!

All the wishful thinking in the mainstream media, all the whitewashing of the despicable Hillary Clinton didn’t help. In fact, a great deal of responsibility for Trump’s victory lies with the so-called “Democratic” Party. By further rigging the system – not afraid to use every dirty trick they could think of – to get rid of all internal competition made sure that there was no real alternative for the American voters to choose. A deeply corrupt politician – bought and paid for by big money, national and abroad –, a notorious liar and warmonger and, frankly, often acting seemly not really sane, a symbol of “the system” – who in their right mind would want that? By sabotaging Sanders the “Democrats” made sure that they loose. And they deserve to loose.

With Bernie there would have been at least an alternative to Trump. With Clinton not so much. So it’s not really a surprise that the American voters choose to elect a person who is not part of the old establishment and promised hope and action.

Sure, those hopes will be disappointed. But that’s in the future; in the present there’s an euphoric mood which will last for a couple of days.

For us, here in Germany, there’s some hope as well. For example the dreadful #TTIP is most probably dead. And perhaps the traditional bumsucking will cease; well, one can hope …

Of course, the consequences of the USA’s new honesty will most likely be dire and serious. However, perhaps some illusions about the “great” US and the need to follow their example – come what may – will cease.

And – still hoping – perhaps the European politicians will finally realise that the #Brexit was, indeed, not a one-time occurrence of the voter’s discontent.

@Bernie_Sanders #Corruption @Donald_Trump #Election @Hillary_Clinton @USA


Prof. @Jordan_Peterson: “Bloody neo-Marxists have invaded the campuses”

#Gender #PC #Science #SJW @USA


@Jonathan_Pie: I Think Trump will do it.

The US Election: An Idiots Guide.


#Abuse #Corruption @Donald_Trump #Election @Hillary_Clinton @USA


What a scientist learnt when dealing with an undesirable dataset …

What I learned from visualizing Hillary Clinton’s emails

#Corruption @Hillary_Clinton @USA #Whistleblower


Tell the U.S. Copyright Office that #DMCA anti-circumvention rules are broken

#Capitalism #Copyright #DRM @USA


@John_Oliver about Opioids

Last Week Tonight

#Drugs #Health @USA


@John_Oliver about #Scandals

Last Week Tonight

@Barack_Obama @Donald_Trump @George_W_Bush @Hillary_Clinton @USA


Ein bißchen kritischer Zeitgeist gefällig?

„Die Schutzmechanismen der Demokratie haben versagt“

Interception Capabilities - Impact And Exploitation

@Posteo zur Mär von der “Abhör-Schnittstelle”

FAQ zur E-Mail-/Telekommunikations-Überwachung und @SINA

#Backdoor #Democracy @EU @Fefe @Germany @NSA #Surveillance @USA


Endlich offiziell? Autoren in wissenschaftlicher Fachzeitschrift: Anschläge vom 11. September waren “gezielte Sprengung”

@George_W_Bush @New_York @USA


Napalm-Mädchen: Facebook zensiert ikonografisches Kriegsbild

#Censorship @Facebook @Vietnam @USA #War


The Truth About Hillary’s Bizarre Behaviour Note: This is an video.

#Election #Health @Hillary_Clinton @USA


Digital Restrictions Inside: Will the US Federal Trade Commission agree to label DRM-encumbered products?

#Capitalism #Copyright #DRM @USA


@John_Oliver about #Journalism

Last Week Tonight

#Digitisation @Facebook #Media #Newspapers @Twitter @USA


„Die Industrie-Designer betonen, das Produkt-Design sorge für Verkäufe und stehe im “Gehirn der Konsumenten” für das Produkt selbst“, heißt es in der Meldung. Doch was für (Mode-)Kleidung oder Möbel zutreffend sein mag, stimmt deswegen noch lange nicht für technische Geräte. Nur Geistlose kaufen einen Computer (oder ein Telefon) wegen des Gehäuses. Soll in den USA also das Verhalten von Idioten zum Maßstab der Rechtsprechung gemacht werden?

Patentstreit gegen Samsung: Design-Größen unterstützen Apple

@Apple #Patent @Samsung @USA


Regardless what you might think, this is not from a @Dexter episode: Serial killer reveals his guidelines for murdering people.


Hier eine deutsche Zusammenfassung zum Thema „Wie bringe ich am besten welche Leute um?“:

Obamas Regeln für Morde per Drohne veröffentlicht

@Barack_Obama #Drones #Murder #Weapons @USA


Ohne angemessene Beweiswürdigung auf Zuruf der US-Armee:

US-Army schwärzt Linken-Mitglied wegen Facebook-Pöbeleien an

@Facebook @Germany @die_Linke #Surveillance @USA


Web DRM standard moves to next phase of development, Defective by Design to continue opposition

#Copyright @DefectiveByDesign #DRM @USA #WWW


CETA und TTIP: Keine Entmachtung des Bundestags!

@Canada #CETA #Economy #Trade #TTIP @USA


@Hillary_Clinton Email Archive

#Election #EMail @USA


Russia about to mimic the US:

The crypto war returns to Moscow: Russian bill requires encryption backdoors in all messenger apps

#Backdoor #Encryption #Privacy @Russia @USA


Nestle: Bottling water in drought-hit California

@California @Nestle @USA #Water

1834 Artikel
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714 Erwähnungen

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#deepfake #defamation #democracy #detransition #devops #diasporastudies #dictionary #digitisation #dioscorides #discrimination #diseases #diversity #diy #dmca #docker #drm #drones #drugs #dsgvo #döner #ebooks #eccentricity #echo_chamber #ecology #ecommerce #economy #education #edward_jenner #egypt #eikonal #election #email #eme #emotions #encryption #energy #equality #erasistratus #espionage #ethics #evolution #experimentation #extremism #facial_recognition #fake_news #fascism #fbgc #fbpe #femicide #feminism #file_sharing #filibuster #filterbubble #fingerprints #fire #fisa #fish #food #football #footnotes #forest #fracking #fraud #free_speech #free_tibet #freedom #freedomofexpression #fridays-for-future #future #galen #galileo_galilei #gambling #gay #gdpr #gender #genderwoowoo #genetics #genitalia #genocide #germany #getstonewalloutofourinstitutions #git #github #glyphosat #gnu #go #golang #gratitude #greece #greed #grundeinkommen #grundgesetz #gutachten #hacker #hacking #harassment #hashtag #hashtags #hate #headphone #health #healthcare #herophilus #hindi #hindu #hippocrates #history #holocaust #homophobia #homosexuality #honour #human_genome_project #human_rights #hygiene #ice #identity #ideology #illness #imhotep #immunity #impeachment #imperialism #imsi-catcher #inclusiveness #independence #india #indien #industrialisation #industry #infection #influenza #infowar #infrastructure #intelligence #interdependence #internet #intersex #iot #iran #isaac_newton #islamophobia #isp #israelipalestinianconflict #istandwithjkrowling #istandwithkeirabell #istandwithmaya #italia #italy #james_young_simpson #javascript #jealousy #jewishethics #jewishhistory #jewishidentity #jewishscholars #jews #johannes_kepler #jornalism #joseph_lister #journalism #justice #keepiton #knowledge #kohleausstieg #labour #language #lgb #lgballiance #liability #liberty #library #licence #lifegetsbetter #linguistics #literature #lobbyism #love #maaslos #marijuana #markdown #marketplaces #marriage #masturbation #meat #media #medicaid #medicine #men #mental-health #metadata #metaphysics #metoo #mietpreisbremse #migration #military #minderheitsregierung #mindset #mining #misogyny #missiles #mobbing #mobile_phone #money #motivation #movies #murder #music #muslim #mussels #mutilation #nacktimnetz #narendra_modi #nationalism #nazis #net_neutrality #netherlands #netzdg #neurodiversity #new_zealand #newspapers #niewiedercdu #nlp #nobel_prize #nuclear_weapons #nürnberg #obamacare #observation #obsession #occupation #oil #open_source #openai #oppression #organspende #paedophiles #pandemic #paris_agreement #parliament #parteispenden #password #patent #paternalism #pc #peace #pension #perception #perplexity #personaldevelopment #pharma #philosophy #phishing #phone #physics #physiology #pigs #piracy #poem #police #politicalphilosophy #pollution #populism #pornography #poverty #prison #privacy #privacy_shield #privatisation #programmers #programming #prompt #prompts #propaganda #prostitution #protest #psychiatry #psychology #puberty_blocker #putsch #quicksilver #racism #rain #rain-forest #rape #readme #reality #recycling #refugees #regime_change #relationships #religion #religiousdebate #renaissance #rent #reportit #repression #research #rigaer94 #righttoknow #riots #robot #roma #rome #router #safety #sanctions #sand #satire #saveourinternet #scandals #schufa #science #scifi #sea_weed #secrecy #secularism #security #selbstbestimmungsgesetz #selfid #selfimprovement #sex #sexism #sexuality #sjw #smartphone #smoke #snowflakes #social-media #social_media #software #solar_panel #solidarity #soy #space #spam #sports #staatstrojaner #sterilisation #stgb #stophateforprofit #streisand-effekt #strike #subsidies #sugar #suicide #supremacy #surgery #surveiilance #surveillance #tagname #tanks #tax #technology #telegram #tents #terror #terrorism #thisisnotadrill #tobacco #tolerance #tomato #torture #tq #tracing #tracking #trade #traffic #transgender #transparency #transsexual #trees #trojan_horse #truth #ttip #tuberculosis #tv #twitter #uncertainty #uploadfilter #vaccination #vaccines #victim #video #violence #volkstrojaner #vorratsdatenspeicherung #voting #wall #war #waronwomen #waste #water #watergate #wealth #weapons #weather #whistleblower #white_house #who #wifi #william_harvey #william_thomas_green_morton #wind #wokeness #women #wordstar #writing #www #zensur #zensur-behörden #zensur-maßnahmen #zensurheberrecht #zeppelin #zionism #§218 #§219 @aadhaar @aakashhassan @abigail_shrier @aclu @adl @adolf_eichmann @adolf_hitler @afd @afghanistan @africa @alain_de_botton @albania @alessandro_strumia @alex_jones @alexa @alexandria_ocasio-cortez @alice-salomon-hochschule @alice_schwarzer @alice_weidel @alliancelgb @allie_funk @allison_bailey @alphago @amanda_tapping @amazon @amnesty_international @andrea_voßhoff @andreas_scheuer @android @angela_davis @angela_merkel @anis_amri @anke_ehrhardt @antifa @antoni_comín @anyabike @aol @apple @ard @area @aserbaidschan @asia @assam @att @attac @attila_hildmann @augusto_pinochet @australia @austria @axel_voss @ayodhya @bahrain @balochistan @bangladesh @barack_obama @barcelona @barereality @barry_reay @basel @bavaria @bayer @bbc @beatles @beijing @belarus @berlin @bernie_sanders @betsy_reed @bettina_gaber @betty_steiner @bgh @bill_clinton @bill_gates @bill_oreilly @bitcoin @bjp @bjportraits @bka @blokada @bmw @bnd @bob_murray @bodo_ramelow @bolivia @bollywood @boris_johnson @boris_yeltsin @botswana @brasilia @brazil @brazil's @bsi @buchbinder @bulgaria @bundesfinanzhof @bundestag @bverfg @caityjohnstone @california @cambridge @cambridge_analytica @cameroon @campact @canada @canada's @cargill @carles_puigdemont @carola_rackete @catalonia @cathy_newman @ccc @cdu @charles_ihlenfeld @charles_stross @charlize_theron @chelsea_manning @chemnitz @chennai @christa_peterson @christian_lindner @christine_lambrecht @christoph_heusgen @cia @cia’s @cisco @claus_schenk_graf_von_stauffenberg @clearview @clinton_foundation @coca-cola @columbia @cornelsen @cory_doctorow @costa_rica @croatia @crypto_ag @csu @cuba @dachau @daimler @dalai_lama @dale_o'leary @dan_gillmor @daniel_suarez @darknet @darwin @david_bell @david_cameron @dbd @debra_soh @defectivebydesign @delhi @deniz_yücel @denmark @dentons @deutsche_bahn @deutsche_bank @deutsche_wohnen @dexter @dfb @dgb @dhs @die_linke @die_partei @digitalcourage @dilay_banu_büyükavci @dirgegirl @disney @docstockk @dominic_cummings @donald_trump @donna_hughes @douma @dr_em @drbiden @dreamhost @dresden @drummond_pike @duckduckgo @düsseldorf @ecosia @ecuador @eddie_izzard @edinburghuni @edward_snowden @edward_w_felten @eff @egypt @einar_wegener @ellen_page @elmar_brok @elon_musk’s @elsevier @emmanuel_macron @eritrea @erwin_schrödinger @ethiopia @eu @eugen_gomringer @europe @europeancommission @evo_morales @ezb @facebook @fairplaywomen @fbi @fcc @fdp @fefe @fff @finfisher @finland @firefox @florida @focus @fondofbeetles @forwomenscot @fox_news @frag_den_staat @france @frank-walter_steinmeier @frank_rieger @franz_josef_strauß @françois_hollande @friedrich_merz @frontex @fsf @ftp @g20 @gaby_weber @gchq @gender @george_floyd @george_orwell @george_osborn @george_soros @george_takei @george_w_bush @germaine_greer @germany @gff @ggreenwald @ghana @gids @gimp @gina_rippon @github @glastonbury @glenn_greenwald @god @google @google’s @great_britain @greece @greenpeace @greta_thunberg @groko @grüne @guardian @guinness @gurbanguly_berdimuhamedov @göttingen @günther_oettinger @haiti @halle @hamburg @hannah_arendt @hans-christian_ströbele @hans-georg_maaßen @hans-peter_uhl @harry_benjamin @harvard's @heiko_maas @helensteel12 @helsinki @her @hermann_otto_solms @hillary_clinton @hjoycegender @hohenzollern @honduras @hong_kong @hongkong @horst_seehofer @huawei @hubertus_heil @hungary @ican @iceland @idad @ietf @iglyo @ikea @immunity @imran_khan @india @intercept @internet_archive @ipcc @iran @iraq @ireland @isaac_asimov @israel @istandwithher1 @italy @iwf @jacob_appelbaum @jacob_rees-mogg @jair_bolsonaro @james_comey @james_damore @james_flynn @jan_kalbitzer @jane_philpott @janice_raymond @japan @jared_kushner @jawaharlal_nehru @jean_luc_melenchon @jeff_bezos @jeff_sessions @jennifer_pritzker @jens_spahn @jeremy_corbyn @jeremy_hunt @jesse_williams @jessica12uk @jimmy_kimmel @jitsi @jk_rowling @jo_bartosch @jody_wilson-raybould @joe_biden @joe_rogan @john_le_carré @john_money @john_oliver @john_oliver's @jon_stryker @jonathan_pie @jonathan_pie's @jordan_peterson @jordanbpeterson @joseph_fischer @juan_guaido @judith_butler @julian_assange @julian_assange’s @justin_trudeau @jutta_ditfurth @kali_linux @kamala_harris @karin_strenz @karl_marx @kaschmir @kashmir @kaspersky @katarina_barley @katharina_nocun @kathleen_stock @kathmurray1 @kazakhstan @ke_jie @keir_starmer @keira_bell @kenneth_zucker @kevin_kühnert @kickstarter @kim_jong-un @kkk @klbfax @kolkata @kristina_hänel @kurds @laura_poitras @lawrence_kubie @lawrence_lessig @lebanon @leipzig @lesbianlabour @lesleysemmens @lili_elbe @lilylilymaynard @linkedin @linus_torvalds @linux @lisa_eckhart @lithium @liverpool @london @lufthansa @lybia @mad @magnus_hirschfeld @mahatma_gandhi @malaysia @malta @margaret_hamilton @margaret_thatcher @margarete_stokowski @marine_le_pen @mark_bonham @mark_hamill @mark_weinstein @mark_zuckerberg @markmair @mars @martin_schulz @martin_sonneborn @martina_navratilova @martine_rothblatt @mathias_döpfner @matteo_salvini @mauramaxwell @max_schrems @maya_forstater @mcleaver @medium @mellibeinhorn @mention @mentionedname @mentions @mermaids @mesut_özil @mewe @mexico @michael_flynn @michel_temer @michigan @microsoft @mike_pence @mike_pompeo @minneapolis @minnesota @mirandanewsom @miroandrej @monsanto @mordor @mosaic @mozilla @muhammadali_jinnah @mumbai @munich @mutilation @mwat @myanmar @narendra_modi @nawaz_sharif @nayantara_sehgal @nestle @netflix @new-delhi @new_york @new_york_times @new_zealand @nextcloud @nga @nhs @nicaragua @nicolas_maduro @nigel_farage @nigeria @nils_melzer @noam_chomsky @norbert_röttgen @north_korea @northern_ireland @norway @nsa @nytimes @ofcom @okbiology @okuna @olaf_scholz @oliver_bierhoff @onelook @opcw @openai @openbook @oriol_junqueras @osaka @oskar_lafontaine @oslo @oxfam @oxford @pakistan @palestine @panama @pankhurstem @paris @parler @passie_kracht @patricia_trimble @patrick_breyer @paul_mchugh @paul_ziemiak @pen @penny_pritzker @pentagon @pepsi @peter_altmaier @peter_handke @peter_ramsauer @peter_schaar @philip_sutton @philipp_amthor @philippines @pimeyes @piraten @pokémon @poland @pope_francis @portland @portugal @posteo @postillon @pr_china @privacyint @profalices @public_domain @puerto_rico @qanon @rachel_levine @raf @rainer_meyer @rainer_wendt @rana_ayyub @ranaayyub @rashmee_kumar @raspberry_pi @ray_blanchard @reality_winner @recep_tayyip_erdoğan @reconquista_internet @reinhard_grindel @renate_künast @rex_tillerson @rezo @rheinmetall @ric_weiland @richard_fitzgibbons @richard_grenell @richard_nixon @ricky_gervais @riot @rob_hoogland @robert-koch-institut @robert_muller @robert_stoller @rodrigo_duterte @romania’s @rose_of_dawn @rote_hilfe @rss @rudolf_henke @rupert_murdoch @russia @ruth_hunt @rüdiger_kruse @saddam_hussein @safoora_zargar @samsung @san_francisco @sappfo @saskia_esken @saudi_arabia @scandinavia @sci-hub @scotland @sean_spicer @sebastian_brehm @sebastian_kurz @seerutkchawla @segmtweets @serbia @shelia_jeffreys @sibiria @sibylle_berg @siemens @sigmar_gabriel @signal @silvio_berlusconi @sina @singapore @siri @sjferguson3 @smh @somalia @sonia_kennebeck @south_africa @south_korea @south_sudan @spain @spd @spezialdemokratie @spiegel @srf @startpage @stellaomalley3 @stern @steve_bannon @steven_pinker @stonewall @strato @sun @sundar_pichai @susan_stryker @suzanne_moore @sweden @swipewright @switzerland @symantec @syria @taiga @taiwan @tajikistan @taliban @tamil_nadu @tampax @tavistock @taz @teamviewer @teatea1337 @telegram @terry_pratchett @thailand @the_economist @the_guardian’s @the_intercept @theresa_may @thierry_breton @thomas_de_maizière @thomas_de_maiziére @thomas_szasz @thomson_reuters_foundation @threema @tiananmen @tibby17 @tibet @tiktok @tim_berners-lee @tim_cook @tim_gill @tinder @tonto_1964 @tony_blair @tor @toronto @transgendertrd @turkey @turkmenistan @twisterfilm @twitter @tönnies @uber @ulla_schmidt @uluru @un @united_internet @uno @ursula_k_le_guin @ursula_von_der_leyen @usa @valentinamedici @vanessa_rodel @varavara_rao @venezuela @venezuela’s @verfassungsschutz @verizon @vietnam @viktor_orban @vladimir_putin @volker_kauder @volkswagen @w3c @wallonia @washington_post @washingtonpost @wau_holland @wdr @welt @whatsapp @who @wikileaks @wikileaks' @wikipedia @william_golding @windows @wire @wirecard @wolf @wolfgang_kubicki @wolfgang_schulz @wolfgang_schäuble @womans_place_uk @womenreadwomen @wpath @wwf @xi_jin_ping @xiaomi @xr @xychelsea @xychelsea's @yanis_varoufakis @yaniv @yemen @yonatanzunger @youtube @yugoslavia @zdf @zoom @zürich @évian